Dalton (Fate of)

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Dalton is last seen falling into the portal he uses to summon Golems. What is his ultimate fate?


The answer comes in Chrono Trigger DS. After his defeat atop the Epoch, Dalton fell into a Golem-summoning Gate that deposited him in the Dimensional Vortex, a collection of lost time fragments jammed together in temporal instability. He drew up plans for revenge against Crono's group, who he felt denied him his kingdom and status as ruler over the age of antiquity. He then left the Dimensional Vortex, probably to a year predating 1000 A.D., and raised an army to overthrow the Kingdom of Guardia in 1005 A.D. He slayed Guardia's last defender, then stole the Masamune. What became of Dalton after this is unknown; the corrupted Masamune was somehow escaped his grasp an was found by Radius and Garai in Chrono Cross.

From: Common Questions