Common Questions
- Black Omen (What's with the monsters there who appear only once, and the strong Lavos spawn?)
- Black Omen (What are the mysterious doppelgangers in the final room?)
- Black Omen (Why wasn't it present in the Lavos timeline?)
- Dead Sea (At what time is it frozen at?)
- Dead Sea (Why is it frozen?)
- Dead Sea (Where is Nadia's Bell?)
- Death Peak (What caused it to form?)
- El Nido (Where is it on the world map?)
- El Nido (Hey, it matches up with prehistory!)
- Kajar (What is the book detailing the "red rock" actually written about?)
- Mt. Woe (Why did it fall to the sea after floating prior?)
- Planet (What are the geographical changes over the eras?)
- Time Research Lab (How did it come with Belthasar to 2300 A.D.?)
- Frozen Flame (Where did the legends of it in El Nido originate?)
- Masamune (How does it leech energy off the Mammon Machine?)
- Masamune (How did the Red Knife become the Masamune in the Lavos Timeline?)
- Record of Fate (If the Records of Fate are incapable of transmitting in Home World, why do people still use them?)
- Sealed Doors (Who created them?)
- Seed (Do the saplings of Chrono Trigger have special powers or significance?)
- Stat Tabs (Who invented them?)
- Belthasar (How did one man plan all of Project Kid?)
- Cyrus (Who buried him at the Northern Ruins?)
- Dalton (What happened to him after the Blackbird incident?)
- Dragon God (Does it bear physical similarity to Lavos or the Time Devourer?)
- Entity (Why couldn't it just get rid of Lavos itself?)
- Kid (When did she arrive in the modern era?)
- Kid and Harle (How are they related?)
- Lavos (How did it bind with Schala?)
- Lavos (How does Lavos absorb DNA?)
- Lavos (Is Lavos sentient?)
- Lavos (When is he defeated, and why is his shell gone after first defeat no matter what the era?)
- Lavos (Why did it destroy Zeal in 12000 B.C., and then the world in 1999 A.D.?)
- Lavos and the Time Devourer (Do they normally select terrestrial envoys?)
- Magus (Why did he start the Mystic war when he only wanted to summon Lavos?)
- Melchior (Why doesn't he recognize you at the fair?)
- Orlha (What is her relation to Tia?)
- Schala (Why did she send away Magus and tell him not to try to save her?)
Time and Plot[edit]
- 1000 A.D. Earthquake (What is that guy in the Truce Inn talking about?)
- Chrono Cross (Who manipulated who over the course of the game?)
- Chrono Trigger DS (What is the canonicity of the new content?)
- Dimensional Split (How does time travel apply to it?)
- Gates (Why do they initially lead to era exits then later to the End of Time?)
- Robo (Could you leave him in 600 A.D. a bunch of times to make a Robo army?)
- Spirits (Do people in the Chronoverse have spirits and souls?)
From: Articles