Chrono Cross Modifications and Translations

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General Information

This page links to completed hacks and translations.

Chrono Cross: Magus Unmasked

The Magus Unmasked patch modifies Guile's model, weaponry, tech descriptions, and portraits so that he more closely resembles Magus from Chrono Trigger.


Stats, tech & attack animations, and dialogue are not yet modified. Once the Kajar Labs team behind this patch discovers how to edit stats and animations, these aspects will be incorporated into a new release of this patch.

As for dialogue and storyline changes, we defer to Masato Kato's judgment that it is "...impossible to portray the relationship between Magus and Schala adequately in this game [given] ...such a huge number of playable characters." This by no means suggests that a complete Guile-to-Magus storyline conversion will never come to fruition; it merely means that a hacking project of far greater scope than this patch will be required to do justice to a Chrono Cross involving Magus. The solution to Kato's dilemma may lie in the Darkness Beyond Time...

Download Magus Unmasked here. Be sure to follow the readme step-by-step, because patching Playstation games is extremely tricky.

Here's a preview so that you know what to expect from Magus Unmasked.

The Kajar Labs team responsible for 'Magus Unmasked previously completed a "Magil Edition" patch that edited Guile so that he resembled Magil from Radical Dreamers. Inspired by the Springtime of Youth, FaustWolf experimented with dialogue editing and produced a short film to show off what is currently possible in regards to Chrono Cross editing. See its segments at the following Youtube links:

They also completed a "Janus Edition" patch that differs from the Magil Edition only in eye color. If green eyes are your preference, download that version here.

From: Modification