Blue Techs

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Revision as of 08:40, 8 March 2010 by Utunnels (Talk | contribs)

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Learned: 3 Stars
Target: Single enemy

Plunder opponent's treasure


Learned: 15 Stars
Target: All enemies
Damage type: Magic
Damage multiplier: 28

Call for support fire from the S.S. Invincible


Target: Single enemy
Damage type: Physical
Damage multiplier: 92
Learned: Complete the Magical Dreamers Sidequest.

The forbidden deathblow unleashed from within

The Kanji reads, "An attack unrivaled beneath heaven."

Iron Man 1.png Iron Man 2.png Iron Man 3.png Iron Man 4.png



Learned: 3 Stars
Target: Single enemy
Damage type: Magic
Damage multiplier: 23
Status: Flu

Exhale a powerful blast of salt water


Learned: 19 Stars
Target: Single ally
Effects: Heal HP, remove all status
Heal multiplier: 60

Play a tune on your harp to heal a party member


Target: All enemies
Damage type: Magic
Damage multiplier: 42
Status: Flu
Learned: After the Magical Dreamers Sidequest, speak to the robed man in the first house in Marbule (Home World) twice.

Play a tune on your harp to beat foes with waves



Learned: 3 Stars
Target: Single enemy
Damage type: Physical
Damage multiplier: 60

Swim in the air and dive head-first at opponent


Learned: 15 Stars
Target: Single enemy
Damage type: Physical
Damage multiplier: 76

Snag a foe on fishing line and reel him in


Target: Single enemy
Damage type: Magic
Damage multiplier: 14
Effects: Randomly choose one from the doppelgang list and drop it on the enemy, damage variates on different monsters.

Learned: In Termina (Another), speak to the red display where you first saw him, then to the lady showing off the mermaid, and then go to the cemetery and find the mermaid (who escaped).

A special lure to catch the one that got away



Learned: 3 Stars
Target: Single enemy
Damage type: Physical
Damage multiplier: 60

A real slap in the face to body and soul


Learned: 15 Stars
Target: Self
Effects: 1/3 chance to recharge used elements

Virgin's prayer to recharge Elements' power


Target: Single enemy
Damage type: Self
Effects: Increase attack by 20%, change hit% to 90%
Learned: Take Leena to see her grandmother in Home World (at the beginning of the game, you must have told Leena that you remembered her promise and would never forget that day).

Virgin's prayer for the power of self-revival



Learned: 3 Stars
Target: Single enemy
Damage type: Physical
Damage multiplier: 60

Pierce the enemy with your secret strings


Learned: 19 Stars
Target: All enemies
Damage type: Magic
Damage multiplier: 28
Status: Flu

Send a cold signal down your secret string line


Learned: 40 Stars
Target: All enemies
Damage type: Magic
Damage multiplier: 42

Weave secret strings to cut out a wave of rocks



Learned: 3 Stars
Target: Single enemy
Damage type: Physical
Damage multiplier: 60

Break beloved guitar on foe at performance's end


Learned: 19 Stars
Target: Single enemy
Damage type: Magic
Damage multiplier: 34
Status: Flu, Frozen

Play a cool tune that'll freeze your worst critic


Target: All enemies
Damage type: Magic
Damage multiplier: 42
Learned: Take Nikki from Another World to meet his Home World counterpart

Play some heavy metal that'll shake your foes



Learned: 3 Stars
Target: Single enemy
Damage type: Physical
Damage multiplier: 60

A chain attack inherited by a single child


Learned: 15 Stars
Target: Single enemy
Damage type: Physical
Damage multiplier: 76
Status: Confuse

"Drunken Master" attack taught by her parents


Target: Single enemy
Damage type: Physical
Damage multiplier: 92
Learned: Take Orlha to see her sister at Doc's clinic in Home World

An inherited technique performed by 2 sisters



Learned: 3 Stars
Target: Self
Heal multiplier: 25
Effects: When have all 3 Hero equipments, it wil increase all stats and decrease magic damage by 25%

Pray upon the legendary Hero's Medal for help

Heros Medal Cross.png


Learned: 15 Stars
Target: Single enemy
Damage type: Physical
Damage multiplier: 80

Gracefully score a double touché on foe


Target: Single enemy
Damage type: Physical
Damage multiplier: 92, fail 100% without any of the 3 Hero equipments
Learned: Show Pierre the Prop Sword.

A deathblow "borrowed" from the tough guy Cyrus

In the Chrono Trigger Prerelease, when Cyrus makes his final attack on Magus, he utters a cry not present in the final version.


"CYRUS PUUUNCH!!" If that sounds familiar, it's because サイラスパンチ is the exact name of Pierre's SlapofCyrus technique. It's too bad this reference was lost in the final version of Chrono Trigger.

From: Magic