Chrono Cross Demo
General Information
Preview Trailer
A certain Chrono Cross trailer was given to various gaming news sites before the game's release. They offer a glimpse into the beta version and a few changes made after the trailer's production.
An unknown character is depicted in Viper Manor.
A giant Dwarf resides here instead of the De-Hydrate.
Gato does not reside in Lucca's house.
The picture of Lucca slightly differs.
Kid's portrait is different.
Slot Machine
See Chrono Cross Slot Machine.
Unused Art
Yasuyuki Honne is the artist of the Chrono series, and made some background art that was never used in the final game. They strangely appeared in a GamePro online guide to the game which was later taken down; a couple examples also appear on Honne's blog. We were able to rescue four pics from the Wayback machine's archive of page 2 of the guide, but page 1 is lost. Honne does not specifically note that the examples from his page were intended for Cross, but the style matches up, and one of the pieces was used in the GamePro guide. A big thanks goes to Blik for researching this.
From Honne's Blog
From the Guide
Additionally, a piece of art that strongly resembles the style of Chrono Cross's works appeared in magazines as a recruiting advertisement for Monolith Soft. It featured a blurb about Project X (Xenosaga), and a large vista resembling Cape Howl.
From: Games