Dark Saber

From Chrono Compendium
Revision as of 05:05, 1 March 2004 by ZeaLitY (Talk | contribs)

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General Information

Japanese Equivalent

Translation: Katana of darkness

Chrono Trigger

Used by: Crono
Type: Sword
Attack: 50
Stat Increase: 28

How to obtain:
This weapon was either edited out of the game before release, or never integrated. It can be accessed through a savestate that begins the game with all items, or through savestate hacking. Though it is not present within, the Dark Saber may have been intended to be picked up in a treasure chest that was accidentally placed in the wrong layer of graphics in Mystic Mountain, and can be viewed by disabling layer one of graphics at the foot of the mountain in an emulator.

Jigglysaint has created a patch that brings the chest to the accessable layer and places the Dark Saber inside. It can be download by using right-click, Save Target As here.

From: Weapons (Chrono Trigger)