Black Omen
General Information
Chrono Trigger
Era: 12000 B.C., 600 A.D., 1000 A.D., 2300 A.D.
Music: Black Dream
Items: 30000g, 2 Elixirs, 1 Haste Helm, 1 Magic Seal, 6 MegaElixirs, 1 Nova Armor, 1 Power Seal, 4 Speed Tabs, 1 Vigil Hat, 1 White Rock, 1 ZodiacCape
Enemies: Alien, Blob, Boss Orb, Cybot, Flyclops, Goon, Incognito, Laser Guards, Martello, Metal Mute, Panel, PeepngDoom, Ruminator, Side Kick, Synchrite, Tubster
Bosses: Giga Mutant, Lavos Spawn, Mammon M., Mega Mutant, TerraMutant, Zeal
The Black Omen is the most difficult and well-guarded area in the world of Chrono Trigger, and is present in every era save prehistory. Fashioned from the ruins of the Ocean Palace with the use of Lavos energy and the most arcane magic, it sails the sky as a dark presence -- the polar opposite of Zeal, it is a shrine to Lavos and a testament to his destructive power. Queen Zeal is its primary architect, apparently resurrecting the Palace and filling it with incredibly powerful guardians and monsters. Its halls are dotted with automated defenses and robotic enemies, as well as horrific monsters unique to the Omen; these include a slew of Mutant bosses. A Lavos spawn also is available on-command; like many other enemies, it is summoned through the use of magic. These obstacles and the sheer length of the Black Omen make it a test of the heroes' endurance and stamina; its corridors are seemingly endless, as every inch is threatened by evil presence. At the end lies the Mammon Machine, torn and battered from its previous incident in the Ocean Palace (though its dimensional equivalent in Keystone PD-1 is operational and combative). Upon the throne of the Omen is Zeal, fully corrupted by the power of Lavos and the presider over this nightmare. She reigns atop the Black Omen, whose surface provides a stunning vista of the planet below and the moon.
There are two saving graces for the Omen; firstly, a wide range of treasure is available. These items should not be missed (especially the Haste Helm and White Rock). Additionally, the endless Ruminators the haunt the main, blue corridors yield unlimited MegaElixirs when charmed, providing more than enough supplement to complete the dangerous Omen. Secondly, a rest point exists midway, occupied by two Nu. One offers a trip out in case the player prematurely assaulted the Omen; the second runs a small shop that includes HyperEthers.
Japanese Equivalent
Kanji: 黒の夢
Translation: Black Dream
Theory and Analysis
- Black Omen (What's with the monsters there who appear only once, and the strong Lavos spawn?)
- Black Omen (What are the mysterious doppelgangers in the final room?)
- Black Omen (Why wasn't it present in the Lavos timeline?)
Note: Due to the large nature of the Black Omen, individual areas have been grouped. Navigate by starting left and moving right in each image. Credit to Geiger for the cool 'Celestial Gate' name for the final area.
- The Black Omen emerges
- The Black Omen
- Placement in various eras
- Black Omen First Floor
- Black Omen Third Floor
- Black Omen Command
- Black Omen Blue Corridors
- Black Omen Penultimate Corridors
- Black Omen Final Corridors
- Black Omen Mammon Machine
- Black Omen Celestial Gate
- Black Omen Mammon Machine hall with sprites
- Black Omen Scrolling Floor Detail
- The Omen Disappears