The Rise of Porre
by the Chrono Compendium
December 7, 2003
with direct quotations from
bubblebobby2000 Lochtiel Oswego del Fuego Tanith Ybrik Metaknight ZeaLitY
and contributing discussion by many others
Newcoming players of Chrono Cross inevitably find dialogue concerning something that takes most wholly by surprise -- that Porre is now a military power, and maintains a dominating presence in El Nido and Zenan continent. However, much more alarming are other comments in the game, that, when coupled with a disturbing cutscene on the Final Fantasy Chronicles version of Chrono Trigger and remarks from the Chrono series' main writer, Masato Kato, reveal the Kingdom of Guardia to have suffered a crushing defeat by the forces of Porre in 1005 A.D. Does not this monstrously contradict the latter stages of Chrono Trigger, in which we left the mayor of Porre a happy and generous man? How could the Kingdom of Guardia, supposedly having existed for more than a thousand years as the strongest and most well-established power on Zenan, fall so suddenly? There is no question that Porre defeats Guardia, as seen by the flag in the cutscene and because of comments by Masato Kato, the series' chief writer. There seem to be almost no good reasons for the events that have transpired, but before one blames Square for contradicting itself plotwise, one should acknowledge excellent explanations and facts surrounding the rise of Porre and the subsequent fall of Guardia that do well to rationalize these sudden events.
I. Did the Fall of Guardia occur in the Lavos Timeline? II. Did the Fall of Guardia occur in Keystone T-1? III. Causes of the Rise of Porre A. Porre Geography B. Porre Revolution C. Porre Elements D. Porre Artifacts
[hide]Did the Fall of Guardia occur in the Lavos Timeline?
First, let us examine the Porre that existed before Crono changed time and the Fall of Guardia took place. Although we do not fully know whether Porre overtook Guardia in 1005 A.D. before the events of Chrono Trigger, it is reasonable to believe that it did not occur, as the Guardia line continued through 2300 A.D., as seen by Doan, the Arris Dome director's descendant. Thus, was Porre even a military power before Chrono Trigger took place? If it is not, it discredits the ability of Porre to have a 'rise' even further; however, after looking into a few Japanese translations of the original game, a breakthrough was made. The 'Beret' in the English version of Chrono Trigger had been shortened from 'Porrean Beret' in the Japanese original. Berets are inextricably linked with the military; this single fact alone confirms that Porre most likely had its own army even before Crono went on his quest. Nonetheless, this does not account for the happy mayor that exists after the Sun Stone sidequest -- something else does, however. It is a common fact that the military is often separate from civilian establishments; perhaps as there would be a mayor of Truce as opposed to a king of Guardia, there existed a civil mayor of Porre that did not have influence over the military. No less, some factors persist in suggesting the rise of Porre is unlikely. Mainly, Porre was seemingly a protectorate of Guardia during the Mystic War, and hid under the aegis of the knights of that kingdom. No clue is sgiven in CT that Porre is in any way expansionist or tyrannical, or hostile toward Guardia. In fact, there are numerous points in CT that suggest that Guardia and Porre are very friendly (the ferry between the two cities, the unguarded Zenan bridge, free passage of tourists and fair-goers between the two lands, the total lack of any mention of tension, and so on). The pre-Crono and post-Crono images of Porre are markedly different.
Did the Fall of Guardia occur in Keystone T-1?
This neatly works to disprove the fall of Guardia in the original timeline and also take into account the existence of Porre's military. Now that this is resolved, one must turn to why Porre did rise after Crono's changes. Unfortunately, we are first met with an interesting problem; recall that before Chrono Cross, an intermediary timeline (called Keystone T-1 on the Compendium, illustrated here and discussed at the article Principles of Time and Dimensional Travel) existed after Crono first saved the world in which Chronopolis was built (and later, sent back to 7600 B.C., thus causing the timeline in which Chrono Cross takes place -- referred to as Keystone T-2). The matter in question is whether Porre rised in this timeline as well -- that is, did Crono's actions alone cause Porre to rise, barring other influences that came about from the creation of El Nido? Although this is a somewhat minor point, it may explain better the rise, and thus deserves examination. Unfortunately, it is difficult to reach a solid conclusion. It is logical to assume that it did happen in Keystone T-1, simply because Chronopolis (or more specifically FATE) in Chrono Cross's objective was to preserve time as it had originally flowed until the future was reached. It thus is logical for it not to intervene in the events on the mainland -- which include the rise of Porre and Fall of Guardia -- so that history is not disturbed.
Chronopolis being of Porrean origin is not certain, however, no matter how ominous or threatening the term 'Central Regime' may sound. Who created Chronopolis, the descendants of Porre or Guardia? There is some support for Guardian origin. There a mention of Arris Dome in the Tower of Geddon. Since the Arris Dome was officiated by Doan, the descendant of Marle, it is logical to conclude that the Kingdom of Guardia survived the fall (which is supported by other evidence in Chrono Cross). The inscription on the Chronopolis statue, while not precisely word-for-word, is the very same sentiment expressed on Nadia's bell. However, it's possible that this is just a coincidence, and that the Arris Dome was built regardless of who officiated it. Conversely, the main support for Porre creating Chronopolis comes from the name "Central Regime," the government in the future. This terminology seems harsh, opting to use the word regime in place of government. This many simply be a translation quip, however. In any case, it's probably indeterminable who created Chronopolis.
Causes of the Rise of Porre
Now that Keystone T-1 is out of the way, and its possible implications have been addressed, we can move on to the many causes that have been inferred or deduced for the rise of Porre and fall of Guardia in Chrono Cross's timeline. Every theory, by the way, must pass the test of originating outside the normal flow of time, as dictated by a comment in the famous GamePro interview with the developers of Chrono Cross: "Porre had some kind of intervention or help originating outside of the original flow of history" (Masato Kato, chief writer). The theories include the following.
Porre Geography
Geographical changes set in motion by Crono's meddling in time might have produced favorable conditions for the strengthening of Porre's military and formation of militaristic expansion. The main bastion of this theory is the presence of Fiona's forest, which is a substantial barrier between Porre and the northern regions of Zenan. This originates outside the normal flow of history in that it was caused by Crono's changes. With the forest there instead of a desert, Porre has now access to more materials and resources to fuel their war machine; plus this expansion would have integrated the province of Dorino in to Porre. And this brings us to Medina village. We know that Medina and Truce plan on building a port to one another. Porre was temporarily cut off from Guardian aid by the war of the Mystics and still felt sour about Medina as Medina did against humans before Crono fixed things. Porre [might have] felt betrayed by Guardia for having agreements with Medina. Other geographical changes may have been incurred by Crono, but this is by far the most prominent and may work towards Porre's rise.
Porre Revolution
The primary reason for Porre's uprising is their 'industrial revolution' and their advancement in pyro-technology -- rifles, pistols, cannons, etc. In Chrono Cross their arsenal has been strongly emphasized many areas including Another's Termina, where they have cannons all over the place. These technological wonders might have been introduced from the future by an intervening force, which would satisfy the requirement that the help originated from outside the flow of history. Nonetheless, the conventions of RPGs come into play here. For instance, in Xenogears, Fei takes a direct bullet to the chest and is only mildly stunned. However, in other games, player characters can be killed off by simple means. This brings into quest whether sword wielding fighters can continue to wage war against Porre's new guns. The most probably answer is that player characters can, but overall in established history, the guns would trump the swords.
Porre Elements
This theory claims that Porre was a main proponent in the colonization of El Nido in 920 A.D. and onward, and thus was probably able to extract or import Dragonian elements to the mainland, which would have inevitably been equipped on the army, hugely strengthening it as a result. This theory can only work under Keystone T-2, as El Nido did not exist in the timeline in which Chronopolis was constructed. This also meets the 'outside-flow' condition. Also it is said that Luccia used to work in a lab in Porre. It is also said that while on El Nido she traveled to Fort Dragonia to work on and repair some of the robotics found within. It then stands to reason that perhaps earlier other scientists had explored the ruins and gained futuristic technology as a result, which also was brought to the mainland. This is probably why Porre has so many cyborgs and robots on its side during the present while before the Time Crash the only real robot in existence was Gato. Both of these could be said to be influences from outside the flow of time, as originally they came from the Reptite Dimension. Elements are the Dragonian version of magic to some degree, so initially they are from the other timeline. These new-found powers would certainly give Porre an edge over the rest of the planet, which had not been exposed to, nor prepared to defend against such forces.
Before one settles completely on the Porre-Elements Theory, consider that it could not have solely been the cause of Porre's rise if the fall of Guardia happened in Keystone T-1, as El Nido did not exist. However, as this theory is the most likely of the few viable ones, it is safe to say that among other factors this may have catalyzed Porre's rise significantly.
Porre Artifacts
Next in the way of theories on Porre's uprising is a collection of commentary that blame material pursuit on the city's militarism. Arguing that Porre's militaristic rise was caused by desire of power, supporters of this theory claim the want of several artifacts, including the Masamune, caused Porre's warmonging nature. Here follows explanation on why Porre would not have sought out the Masamune before the events of Chrono Trigger, and why this is possible afterwards.
Follow the order of events up until the point where Frog keeps the medal. It's safe to assume that Frog would never have gone after the other part of the Masamune (just judging from his attitude and actions), and even if he had, he would have been unable to find someone to fix it, as "Nary a soul remains to mendeth the Masamune". It therefore would not have existed in Guardia in A.D. 1005, the year Porre presumably overthrew the great kingdom. Now, it's possible that one of the motivations, perhaps even the primary motivation, for overthrowing Guardia would have been the temptation of gaining control of the legendary sword. If Marle and Crono had never traveled to A.D. 600 that fateful afternoon, the Masamune would never have been fixed and would therefore not exist to draw the Porre army to it, and Guardia may not have been overthrown. While this is not necessarily true, Crono, Marle, and Lucca, in their child forms in Chrono Cross, seem to hint that the world would not be as it was then if not for their actions. I've always thought they meant defeating Lavos, which would not fit with our decision that Lavos was only truly defeated in A.D. 1999, because, as I have previously stated, the world was only truly different from that point forward. However, if other actions are considered, such as the party bringing the Masamune back into existance, their actions leading directly or indirectly to the fall of Guardia is a definite possibility.
The riches of the Rainbow Shell might have also allured the nation. As last seen, it was sitting in Guardia's treasury.
Supporters of this theory also claim that the sword seen in the Fall of Guardia cutscene is the Masamune, and that it is being stolen. Many also hold that this event marked the corruption of the Masamune (as seen in Chrono Cross). Radical Dreamer argues this point, citing the Masamune's normal appearance in the cutscene as opposed to it's evil, mishapen form as seen in Cross.
Radical Dreamer: Also, I would say that the Masamune was still "good" (Masa, Mune, and Doreen still in control) until after 1005 A.D. When it is stolen, it still looks like it did in 600 A.D. It doesn't become "evil" (I call this form the Mammon Blade, because at this point, the dominant energy is that of Lavos, drawn from the Mammon Machine) until some point after the fall of Guardia.
In addition, the Masamune may have brought out the evil in Porrean soldiers' hearts, causing further destruction. Khift implies this while arguing that the Masamune had to have been corrupted prior to the fall of Guardia, which may disprove the Porre-Masamune Theory somewhat:
Khift: I think you're all misinterpreting Radius's/Melchior's quote. Karn said that the Masamune brought out the evil in someone's heart, not that it reflected someone's heart. Both Radius and Darius are exceptionally pure human beings, yet the Masamune possed them both and caused them to commit/attempt murder due to their want to be unquestionably on top, however small it was. And it's pretty obvious that, in the original timeline, the Masamune didn't do anything like that to Melchior/whoever stabbed the Mammon machine.
I can't give you a definite, solid thesis on what I think happened, but I don't think that a mere power-hungry human could affect this sword that was built to kill a demon in such a profound manner. I think it would take more than that. Alot more. My guess is that it got involved in some BAD voodoo of sorts, or that it was Masa & Mune's psyche.
In CT, I remember it being said that Melchior forged the Masamune in order to destroy Lavos and/or the Mammon Machine. The Masamune is, as is stated/shown several times in CT and CC, comprised of two sentient beings, Masa and Mune. They failed their job. Yeah, the messed the Mammon Machine up badly, but they didn't destroy it completely, and they never touched Lavos. They failed their purpose, and after Crono/Frog used the sword, it never had another use that could ever match it's previous one. So here you have two sentient beings locked up in a sword for all eternity with the knowledge that they failed to do the one thing they were made to do.
Tanith here gives more reasoning for Porre's pursuit of the sword.
Tanith: The masamune is another symbol of power and it once lay in the Denadoro mountains, Porre terriotory; I'm guessing the people of Porre don't like the fact that an outlander came in and took a weapon of many possibilities. I mean, if some dude came into your house and took your shotgun and killed Osama with it, and that person is regarded a hero, of course you'd be jealous.
Nonetheless, how would the Masamune exist outside of the timeflow, and thus qualify in light of Masato Kato's statement? The most plausible theory for this is that normal time does not apply to Masa and Mune, much like Nu are seemingly unaffected by it. Warmgun argues against the Masamune theory here.
warmgun: As a pure matter of opinion, I think its much more reasonable to assume that Porre went to war over the natural resources of El Nido rather than a sword. Here's how I see it playing out. Porre is the first nation from the outside world to explore El Nido, thus laying claim to the land. They discover some valuable natural resource (elements most probably). Guardia begins to feel threatened by this new power and begins to become interested in El Nido. As the saying goes, absolute power corrupts absolutely. Porre easily destroys Guardia with elements and the various technologies to be found (perhaps creating Grobyc). In this way, an outside force does act upon Porre. The very existence of El Nido is an external influence on the planet!
Lastly, the Sun Stone may have had some clout.
Tanith: Now, the sunstone we know was in Porre for a brief period of time, but Crono jumped in and took it away, and now Guardia has it. Now you're probably wondering why would Porre be pissed at Guardia for was a symbol of great power taken away.
ZeaLitY: The mayor may have had it and generously given it away, but that surely does not mean others in Porre wanted it.
Doctor Shaft brings up several points of refution against the stone, however.
Doctor Shaft: Sun Stone: Porre had only recently found the treasure in the cave and taken it. Or at least it seemed that way. No one in Porre spoke of having the Sun Stone for a long time. As far as we know, the stingy Porre mayor merely kept it because it was a precious treasure. No one knew what the Sun Stone did... at all. Only people who lived or traveled outside the normal flows of time actually understood it's function. So, in the new time line, losing a glowing treasure is hardly something to want to fuss about. It was promptly used to forge powerful weapons, the ultimately helped warp the time line... yet again. So memories of the Sun Stone were probably completely vaporized by then.
The aforementioned theories form the mainstream; another theory exists, however, that was derived from the long hair of the man who slays the last Guardian defender in the Fall of Guardia cutscene.
Porre-Dalton Theory
As we last saw him, Dalton was cursing his luck as he disappeared into a black hole atop the Epoch. Could the power-hungry, maniacal Zealian general have played a role in the Rise of Porre? It's been observed that Dalton can use his magic even after normal Zealians have lost theirs, as he is an innate; perhaps he used this to impress Porrean commanders and assume some level of control.
Ybrik Metaknight: When Dalton was defeated in 12,000 B.C., he was sucked into some sort of gate. We don't know whether this was a timegate or some other sort of gate. We simply don't see him after this. If it was a timegate, however, Dalton might have arrived in A.D. 1000 before Porre was changed (assuming Porre was drastically different after Lavos's defeat in A.D. 1999, which I think is highly probable) and decided to lay low, as he would have little support in starting a war with Guardia if Porre was peaceful. He may have gone somewhere else to find some support for whatever evil crusades he might have wanted to start, or he may have simply quietly lived out his life. However, once the party defeated Lavos in 1999, Porre might have changed due to the effects of the Time Crash. Dalton would arrive in militaristic Porre and see an opportunity to satisfy his lust for power.
Unfortunately for this theory, this is somewhat laughable and better suited for a fanfiction.
Lastly, there is the Porre-Frozen Flame theory, which states that the Frozen Flame played a part in the nation's rise. However, this is contradicted by the mere fact that Porre spends a good deal of resources in Chrono Cross looking for the Frozen Flame, and nothing suggests it had the artifact previously.
Currently, these are the foremost explanations; as new commentary and theories are added, they shall be reflected here in this article. Although we still do not have solid proof of any single theory causing Porre's rise, we do know facts about its aftermath -- Guardia continues to exist as a region or petty state, and Crono and Marle live -- although the evidence behind their survival is for another article on the fates of the Chrono Trigger team.
Thank you for reading! If you wish to comment on anything, whether in agreement or challenge, please do so. I'd like to give thanks to
- Everyone featured in this article, having contributed commentary or maps/charts.
- Everyone who has been involved with the Chrono Compendium positively, no matter how large or small their work.
- Squaresoft for creating Zeal and the vast depth of the Chrono series.
- You especially for reading this article. Although work to explain events is a noble thing in itself, its value is multiplied when others benefit from it or enjoy it; thank you for reading and if you have any questions, do not be afraid to ask.
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