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WaddlerD's conversation to me:
WaddlerD 85: The AI tactics is quite interesting.
WaddlerD 85: All the monsters has 2 main patterns.
WaddlerD 85: A "normal", move on will pattern and a "counter, move
with the response of an attack or action, pattern.
WaddlerD 85: It's always seperated by FE FF
WaddlerD 85: The stuff between the FE FF is simple and complicated
in a way.
WaddlerD 85: The first 4 bytes are ALWAYS to going to be a
WaddlerD 85: followed by a FE
WaddlerD 85: to seperate the precondition from the actual actions.
WaddlerD 85: I haven't found out all the preconditions yet, as there
are quite a few, but usually 00 00 00 00 is the default.
WaddlerD 85: As it means, "If the monster is alive" probaby.
WaddlerD 85: probably*
WaddlerD 85: You can put more than one precondition in a pattern,
WaddlerD 85: Like for instance.
WaddlerD 85: FE FF 00 00 00 00 FE Blah blah blah FE 00 00 00 00 FE
Blah Blah FE FF <--- Normal attack pattern
WaddlerD 85: The four bytes.
WaddlerD 85: Though it's also good to know that the precondition can
be expanded into some big "and" precondition.
WaddlerD 85: Like for instance 01 03 00 00 15 40 00 00 = "When HP is
at 50% AND Monster is hit with Shadow based elemental attack.
WaddlerD 85: There is quite a few interesting preconditions that I
found out so far.
WaddlerD 85: Somewhat sloppy, but it should be good enough
WaddlerD 85: Byte #1: 00 = No Attack
01 = Attack
Byte #2: 00 = Normal Attack
01 = Secondary Attack
Byte #3: (Target?)
Byte #4: Animation that is done before attack
01 = Up Close
04 = Stand Still Action
0A = Circle around
0E = Going Astray
02 XX 05 XX XX XX
Byte #1: 02 = Techs/Magic
Enemy AI is divided into two blocks that terminate with $FF.
Byte #2: XX = Attack Type
Byte #3: Targeting style?
Byte #4: Double Tech targeting?
Byte #5: Triple Tech targeting?
Byte #6: Message
Byte #1: 0A = Disables Enemy
The first block contains actions that the enemy performs on its own.
XX = Special Attack
The second block contains reactions when the enemy is attacked.
XX = Message
0B XX XX 00 XX
Each block can be broken down into sections that alternate between Condition and Action.
Byte #1: 0B = Setting Stat
Byte #2: XX = Stat Type
Byte #3: XX = Stat set
Byte #4: 00 = ?
Byte #5: XX = Message
Byte #1: 0C = Adding Stat
Conditions are a multiple of 4 bytes, each of which is a boolean statement.  All must be true for the following Action section to be executed.  The section is terminated by $FE.
Byte #2: 3D = Offense
39 = Magic
3B = Evade
38 = Speed
3E = Defense
3F = Lightning Defense
40 = Shadow Defense
41 = Water Defense
42 = Fire Defense
Byte #3: Increment
Byte #4: Message
Actions can contain one or more commands to perform.  An enemy's attack meter must refill first before it can continue with the next command.  The section is terminated by $FE.
Byte #1: 0F = Message Enable
Byte #2: XX = Message
Attack/Counterattack Preconditions
There is a total of 41 Conditions ($00-28)
15 XX = Counters with Type of Attack
20 00 00 00 = Final Attack
<pre>xx - unused,
17 XX 00 00 = Chances Pattern will be used
tt - targeting byte 80 - copy flag, copies $7E:AED8 to $7E:AECC, ignore Targeting 0x7F - targeting routine,
1F 04 XX 00 = Distance
?? - unknown
07 01 00 00 = Custom Pattern is active
00 xx xx xx - Default, always passes.
11 00 00 00 = Physical Attack
01 tt xx xx - HP less than half (tt is usually set to 03 for current enemy,
12 XX 01 = Magic Attack
              but other values could be used).
01 03 = HP is at 50%
02 tt oo bb - Check for status. tt - Target, 00 for PCs, 01 for enemies. oo - Offset from
05 XX = Number of Monsters in battle
              battle data 0x1D (start of status flags). bb - Bits to check.
03 tt mm xx - Checks if something moved. mm - Monster/PC index
04 xx mm ss - Checks status of monster mm - monster index, ss - Status - 00 Alive, 01 - Dead.
05 nn xx xx - Checks for maximum number of living enemies. nn - number of enemies.
06 ff ff ff - Check if battle frame counter is at least ff.
              Value is little endian (lowest byte stored first).
07 vv cc xx - Check custom mode. vv - value, cc - Compare type - 00 >=, 01 <=
08 tt hh hh - Check if HP <= value. hh - HP to compare.
              Value is little endian (lowest byte stored first).
09 tt ss vv - Check if stat is less than value. ss - stat offset. vv - value
0A tt ss bb - Check if stat has bitflags set. ss - stat offset, bb - bitflags set.
0B tt ss vv - Check if stat is less than or equal to value. ss - stat offset, vv - value.
0C tt ff xx - Check if target is inside or outside of a 32 pixel radius. ff - 00 Inside, 01 Outside
0D tt ff xx - Check if X distance against 32 pixels. ff - 00 >, 01 <=
0E tt ff rr - Distance - multiple options.  ff - 00 Inside, 01 Outside rr - routine
              00 - below this enemy
              01 - to the left of this enemy
              02 - in a 32 pixel radius (angle considered)
              03 - on bottom half of screen
              04 - on top half of screen
              05 - on right 176 pixels of screen
              06 - on left 80 pixels of screen
              07 - unknown distance 0x0c (routines are part of larger list that cannot be called,
                  hence the labeling here)
              08 - in a 48 pixel radius
0F tt ff ?? - Check if target is inside or outside of a 32 pixel radius, considering angle as a factor. Specifics unknown. ff - 00 Inside, 01 Outside.
10 xx SV NC - NCSV - Needlessly complicated simple value. NC is the 2 bit, and SV is the 1 bit. (0-3)
              If position of the current enemy is in a certain range.
              0 - 128px or more from the top of the screen.
              1 - less than 128px from the top of the screen.
              2 - less than 80px from the left of the screen.
              3 - 176px or more from the left of the screen.
11 ee xx mm - Check if hit by tech type. ee - 00 player tech, 01 enemy tech. mm - 00 ==, 01 !=
12 ee aa mm - Check if hit by specific tech.  ee - 00 player tech, 01 enemy tech. aa - tech index.
              mm - 00 ==, 01 !=
13 aa xx mm - Check Attacker. aa - 00 player, 01 enemy. mm - 0 ==, 01 !=
14 vv mm ee - Check specific attacker. mm - mode 00 Check attacker against value vv, 01 buggy.
              ee - 00 ==, 01 !=.
              Only checks against player techs and attacks, or enemy techs without enemy vs
              enemy attack set. There is a minor bug in mode 00 when ee is 01. Set 0x019551
              to 89 to fix in the Japanese and US releases.
15 ee xx ff - Checks element of attack, ff - 00 ==, 01 !=, ee - element 20 Ice, 10 Fire,
              80 Lightning, 40 Shadow, 02 Magic, 04 Physical
16 xx xx xx - Copy of 00.
17 pp xx xx - Percent chance. pp - percent
18 vv tt ss - Check if stat is equal. vv - value, ss - stat offset.
19 xx xx xx - Copy of 00.
1A mm aa ss - Check if monster type is alone or not. mm - monster index, aa - 0 - alone,
              1 - with other types.
              ss - If with other types, should the condition succeed? 0 - fail, 1 - succeed.
1B pp xx xx - Count of living PCs is at most pp.
1C tt pp ll - Is PC present or absent. tt can load any targeting routine, but only routines 30-36
              will produce expected results.
              pp - Presence status. 00 - Present, 01 - Absent. ll - Life status. 01 - may be dead.
1D tt xx aa - Check if target is alive or not.
1E xx xx xx - Copy of 00 that sets $7E:AF24 (failure status) to 1 (failed).
1F tt ff xx - Check if target is inside or outside of a 48 pixel radius. ff - 00 Inside, 01 Outside
20 xx xx xx - Final Attack.
21 xx xx xx - If current enemy is dead or unknown $7E:AF15 & 40 is set. Possible revival reaction.
22 tt aa cc - aa - Maximum ATB value, determined by a combination of speed and battle speed settings.
              cc - compare type 0 - Less than, 1 - Greater than or equal to.
23 vv tt ss - (same as 18)
24 vv tt ss - (same as 18)
25 vv tt ss - (same as 18)
26 vv tt ss - (same as 18)
27 vv tt ss - (same as 18)
28 vv tt ss - (same as 18)</pre>
There is a total of 23 Actions ($00-16)
WaddlerD 85: Here's the first bit of attacks that I have found out.
WaddlerD 85: 00 = Flash
00 ?? jj ??  wander mode.  jj - multipurpose byte, 80 copy flag: 7EAED8 to 7EAECC, 7F subroutine index
01 = Enemy Cure (Target problems, they cure YOU...)
01 aa jj ??  attack mode. aa - attack index jj - multipurpose byte, 80 copy flag: 7EAED8 to 7EAECC, 7F subroutine index
02 = Lock
02 tt jj jj jj ss  tech mode.  tt - tech index jj - multipurpose byte, 80 copy flag: 7EAED8 to 7EAECC, 7F subroutine index ss - battle enemy message string
03 = Bird Screech
03 (nothing, no routines)
04 = Slow Gas Attack
04 random action.  uses a random number to determine which action in current section to start on.
05 = Nagaette's Slow Spell
05 ?? ??  unknown, possibly unused, and not confirmed if it is a 3 byte command.
06 = Mune Attack
06 (nothing, no routines)
07 = Jump n' Land Strike
07 mm aa hh  become monster.  mm - monster to turn into aa - animation? hh - hp
08 = Sleep Wave
08 (nothing, no routines)
09 = Dust Breath Attack
09 ??  display flashes for distant attack?
0A = Fire Breath Attack
0A aa ss  run away.  aa - action to show ss - battle enemy message string
0B = Grinder Plowing Attack
0B oo vv mm ss  set stat.  oo - offset from enemy stat set start vv - value to set/bitwise OR mm - mode, 00 set value 01 bitwise OR ss - battle enemy message string
0C = Dragon Tank Missile Salvo
0C oo vv ss  stat math.  oo - offset from enemy stat set start vv - multipurpose byte, 80 subtract flag, 7F amount to add/sub ss - battle enemy message string
0D = Bubble
0D ?? ss  unknown, state change?  ss - battle enemy message string
0E = Yakra's Needlespin
0E (nothing, no routines)
0F = Sleep Bomb
0F ss  display text.  ss - battle enemy message string
10 = Cybot Singing
10 vv ee ss  revive support enemies.  vv - unk. stored to temp 7E000E ee - battle sound effect ss - battle enemy message string
11 = Spewing Volcano
11 oo vv oo vv oo vv oo vv ss  multi stat set.  oo - offset from enemy stat set start vv - value to set ss - battle enemy message string
12 = Rasp
12 ?? ?? jj jj oo vv oo vv oo vv oo vv oo vv ss  special multi stat set.  jj - multipurpose byte, 80 copy flag: 7EAED8 to 7EAECC, 7F subroutine index  oo - offset from enemy stat set start vv - value to set ss - battle enemy message string
13 = Venomous Gas
13 jj vv  unknown, possibly unused, and not confirmed if it is a 3 byte command.  jj - multipurpose byte, 80 copy flag: 7EAED8 to 7EAECC, 7F subroutine index vv - unknown value stored to temp 7E000E
14 = Laser Beam
14 oo vv oo vv oo vv oo vv ss  multi stat math.  oo - offset from enemy stat set start vv - multipurpose byte, 80 subtract flag, 7F amount to add/sub ss - battle enemy message string
15 = Laser Beam Again
15 ?? ?? jj jj oo vv oo vv oo vv oo vv oo vv ss  special multi stat math.  jj - multipurpose byte, 80 copy flag: 7EAED8 to 7EAECC, 7F subroutine index oo - offset from enemy stat set start vv - multipurpose byte, 80 subtract flag, 7F amount to add/sub ss - battle enemy message string
16 = Missile Salvo
16 -- tt oo vv oo vv oo vv oo vv ss  multi revive and set stat.  tt - tech/tech animation related index oo - offset from enemy stat set start vv - value to set ss - battle enemy message string
17 = Orb Bomb
18 = Area Bomb
19 = Amplifire
1A = Delta Attack
1B = Ink Blast
1C = Harmful Gas
1D = Attack, Attack, Attack/Bugged
1E = Chaos Bell
1F = Azala Break
20 = Yes Indeed!
21 = Whirlwind Dance/Bugged Alone
22 = X-Strike/Bugged Alone
23 = Whirlwind Blast
24 = Less Hitting Poison Gas
25 = Fire Trail or Enemy Fire 1
26 = Pushback Attack
27 = Static Shock (ALL)
28 = Static Shock (ONE)
29 = Shower
2A = Enemy Ice 1
2B = Enemy Lightning 1
2C = Self-Destruct
2D = Nuke
2E = Bugged?
2F = Point Flare
WaddlerD 85: Found out another precondition.
inuksuk: Action 12 calls an enemy tech with the two bytes "?? ??". The first byte lists the enemy tech and the second ?? is the target. You can see examples in the Masa & Mune and Nizbel scripts.
WaddlerD 85: I think 40 00 XX 01 points out "When Monster XX is
WaddlerD 85: So if you put 40 00 CF 01 in there, it says "When
Monster "Bit" is dead", do this.
WaddlerD 85: Ok, should be simple enough.
'''Older data not 100% confirmed:'''
WaddlerD 85: You know though...
WaddlerD 85: There may be something more than what I put down
for 1F 04 XX XX
WaddlerD 85: A lot more...
WaddlerD 85: Because Gato has 1F 06 00 00 for his counter attack
WaddlerD 85: Well, 1F usually deals with distance
WaddlerD 85: So I guess the three bytes after it have to do with
00 WW XX YY            - wander mode YY is how you wander, WW animation related?
02 WW 05 XX YY ZZ      - Spell WW, Message ZZ, XX YY for double/triple?
==Other Findings==
==Enemy AI Targeting subroutines==
38910 - Marle Invisible Monster's transform
34341/33345/59108/42312/34523/34112/32198/33333/35312/35464/34921/32421/35353/(44217/45217)(Counter Attack) - Enemy Melee
45629 - Weird Attack by enemy (almost like golem's)
43212 - Robot/Dragon Tank Moves?
46645/43217 - robot move
54332 - Span Death/ Arm Revives Body (Kills Hero and 2 Enemies)
54512/54651/54325 - Barrier Change Message Repeating
56654 - Hexagon Mist/Water Message Repeating
45333 - Zeal (Hands/Head Moves)
51652 - (Magus Moves)
42217 - Low Life
48217 - Automatic Win
59217 - Area Change?/Hero's Attack Themselves?
52217 - Area Bomb Message Appears
12341/12741 - Strange Win?
23411/15297/59231/12347/23409/23421/958/951/14512 - Freezes Game
43123 - Copy Cat Ability/Copies Phycics message repeating
38764 - 1 hit win
42978 - Dragon Tank
55789/54129/54213/53451/54643/53750 - Barrier Change Message Repeating
49876/50000 - Unfinished Double techs
29873 - Gaia Magnade/Fire Message Repeating
39065 - Absorbs More Elemental Damage
19824/24312 - Slows Game
48971 - Strange Effects...
49441 - The Parts on the Right Store Energy...Message Repeating
43298/43291 - Automatic win/Apart Masa and Mune Are Powerless Msg..
42831 - 1 Yakra Move
12478 - Double Part Attack/Dark Plasma Message Repeating
45123 - hero takes over enemy
42312/38312(Close Range) - Enemy Steals Life
12973 - Defense Down Message Appears and Freezes Game
47819 - Dragon Tank Missles
5309 - Grand Stone/ Ultimnate physical attack (Freezes game)
61470 - Dark Gear/ Shadow Message Repeating
40395 - Enemy Uses weird move (Screen turns red and rocks fall)
24341 - Either Slows game or Slows Battle Stances
45432 - Counter Attack/ Life Shaver
51312 - Counter Attack: Flare
52312 - Gives weird mana drains all items and Barrier Change/Ding-Aling-Chaos message
49312 - Lavos Moves/Yakra Move?
47312 - Steals life/ Shakes the Ground/Tornado Energy Neutralized message
44312 - Destroy's Graphics/ Bad Impulse ---- (Couldn't read rest of message)
43312 - Attacks Hero, but when attacked, Apart Masa and Mune Are Powerless (Ends Battle)
36312 - Shoots a Bunch of Flames
51112 - Area Bomb on Enemy
51012 - Go ahead...Try and attack (Shoot's Flame)
51002 - Lavos Core is Defended! (Shoot's Flame)
51119 - Area Bomb On Hero's
51149 - Golem Boss Run Away Move
56512 - Removes third party menu over and over
34523 - Walk Around and Attack
57298/12451/41931 - destroys graphics (does many things)
32489 - Freezes game
40000 - Shoots Laser
47800 - Shoots Missles
57212 - Hero's attack themselves and Reprogramming/Chaos Message Appears
57212 - Hero's attack themselves and Reprogramming/Chaos Message Appears
3561 - Span Death/Arm Revives Main Body.. Message Repeats
10294 - After any attack game screen goes black and dissappears
9931 - Kills enemy after 3 turns and constantly plays enemy death sound then game freezes
16528/15460 - Enemy tries to run then game freezes
13256 - Attack/will attack with no center bit.
15555 - Double-Part Attack/Dark-Plasma
43216 - Copy Cat Ability/Copies Phycics message repeating (Does Missle Attack, Laser Beam, and Time Stop)
49216 - Blue scout fights all mag but "water".
46216 - Eats hero for life and uses some strange fire attack that hits everything
10896 - 1st person in slot shakes head and game freezes
59230 - Lavos Core is Defended! message repeats
42190 - Makes game skippy
42956 - Shoots yellow laser beam
43956 - Slashes's Attacks
45956 - Robo's Heal Beam?
47956 - Missles
50956 - Lavos Bit Attacks?
51956 - Fire 2, Lightning 2, Ice 2
57956 - Js theot ththingver: Th Message appears (automatic win) But drains life
61956 - Mutant Gas/Poison Message Repeats
39956 - Blue scout fights all mag but "lightning". Then does MP Buster
37956 - Shoots Dirt at Heroes and Melee attacks
16956 - Napalm Message Repeats (hero Attacks enemy but then attacks a hero)
12956 - Shadow Slay Message Repeats
5956 - Freeze/stop message repeats
61258 - ♪-- ♪- ♪♪--/chaos message repeats
45874 - Sand Breath/Darkness (Def powered up when attack) Steals Life
41874 - If hero attack Enemy runs away (Attack pwr up) Message repeats
39874 - 10,000 Hz/sleep strike from the heavens above
38874 - Physical defense on If attacked Magical Defense on if Magic
37874 - If attacked does hallation
36874 - If attacked uses Cure 2?
40874 - Does slash and slow
24874 - Crying Heavens/Hidden Below message repeats
16874 - Double-Part Attack/Dark-Plasma Message repeats If hero lands a strike, Hero attacks him/herself
15874 - Obstacle message repeats
11523 - Counter-Attack
10523 - Plays enemy death sound when enemy is defeated over and over. Then says destruction zone, screws up the graphics, anything other then that turns into a robot laser.
9523 - Plays enemy death sound when enemy is defeated over and over. Then says Mortal Blow, screws up the graphics, anything other then that turns into a robot laser.
45523 - Doom, Doom Doom Doom... - Screws up Graphics and does some odd attack.
59632 - Attacks enemy then shakes head left to right
10203 - hero dissappears enemy dissappears turns into a "nu" or so they say and screws up graphics on hero
50314 - Shoots flames and eats hero
13620 - Counter attacks during battle message repeats
60340 - Pain... Message appears at the beginning of the battle
Used by Conditions: 01, 03, 08, 09, 0A, 0B, 0C, 0D, 0E, 0F, 18, 1C*, 1D, 1F, 22, 23-28
Used by Actions: 00, 01, 02, 12, 13, 15
32056 - Counter-Attacks
*Condition 1C does not treat the data obtained the from the routines the same way as the others, so it will have unexpected results.
16450 - Life Shaver/ Hp goes to 1 - If successful hit hero attacks themselves and takes no dmg
jj - Multiply x2 + 0x01B8BB to obtain the pointer
63190 - Waltz of the wind (insert heart symbol here)/chaos
<pre>00 - Nothing
01 - All PCs
02 - All enemies
03 - Current enemy
04 - Attacking PC
05 - Random PC
06 - Nearest PC
07 - Farthest PC
08 - PC with lowest HP. This routine does not properly check PC1's HP. To fix, replace 0x01A50C (unheadered US or Japanese ROM) with D0 05 EA EA.
09 - PCs with any flags on battle data 0x1D set. 80 is used for a dead PC, others are unknown.
0A - PCs with any negative status.
0B - PCs with any flags on battle data 0x1F (unknown)
0C - PCs with any positive status from set 1 (2x Evade/Unknown Status/2.5x Evade/Haste)
0D - PCs with any positive status from set 2 (Attack Power Up/Shield (Defense Up)/Max Attack Power Up/MP Regen/Barrier (M. Defense Up)/Berserk)
0E - Sleeping PCs
0F - Stopped PCs
10 - Confused PCs
11 - Shielded (Defense Up) PCs
12 - Barriered (M. Defense Up) PCs
13 - PCs with bit 10 of positive status set 2 (unused)
14 - PCs with bit 8 of battle data 01 (unknown)
15 - Other enemies
16 - Living enemies
17 - Nearest enemy
18 - Farthest enemy
19 - Enemy with lowest HP
1A - Other enemies with any battle data 0x1D flags set
1B - All enemies with any battle data 0x1D flags set
1C - Other enemies with any negative status
1D - All enemies with any negative status
1E - Other enemies with any flags on battle data 0x1F (unknown)
1F - All enemies with any flags on battle data 0x1F (unknown)
20 - Other Sleeping enemies
21 - Other Stopped enemies
22 - Other Confused enemies
23 - Other Barriered (M. Defense Up) enemies
24 - Other enemies with 0x1D bitflag 2 set
25 - Other enemies with 0x19 bitflag 1 set
26 - Enemy with lowest HP other than self
27 - Enemy 03. This and the following routines are mostly used with multi-part bosses. Enemy index is determined by event commands.
28 - Enemy 04
29 - Enemy 05
2A - Enemy 06
2B - Enemy 07
2C - Enemy 08
2D - Enemy 09
2E - Enemy 0A
2F - Random enemy with $7E:AF15 bit 80 set
30 - PC 1. This and the following routines were most likely designed for condition 1C, check for specific PC. If used in that condition, it would check for Crono.
31 - PC 2
32 - PC 3
33 - Enemy 3
34 - Enemy 4
35 - Enemy 5
36 - Enemy 6
37 - PC with highest HP
38 - Random enemy other than self</pre>
40210 - Barghest's shield destroyed... message appears after the first attack
==Supplemental Material==
*[[EnemyAI Old]]
*[[Enemy AI_Listings]]
''From'': [[Offsets (Chrono Trigger)]]
''From'': [[Modification]]

Latest revision as of 04:12, 21 September 2024

Notes on Enemy AI are currently incomplete; eventually, data will be decoded and added into Temporal Flux for functionality. Enemy AI information will be updated as new stuff comes.


Directly from Geiger's Offsets.txt
0C8B08 0C8D07 PTR No No Pointers to Enemy AI (local) 6/21/2004
0C8D08 0CCBC8 AI No No Enemy AI 7/14/2003


Enemy AI is divided into two blocks that terminate with $FF.


The first block contains actions that the enemy performs on its own. The second block contains reactions when the enemy is attacked.

Each block can be broken down into sections that alternate between Condition and Action.


Conditions are a multiple of 4 bytes, each of which is a boolean statement. All must be true for the following Action section to be executed. The section is terminated by $FE.


Actions can contain one or more commands to perform. An enemy's attack meter must refill first before it can continue with the next command. The section is terminated by $FE.


There is a total of 41 Conditions ($00-28)

xx - unused, 
tt - targeting byte 80 - copy flag, copies $7E:AED8 to $7E:AECC, ignore Targeting 0x7F - targeting routine, 
?? - unknown
00 xx xx xx - Default, always passes.
01 tt xx xx - HP less than half (tt is usually set to 03 for current enemy, 
              but other values could be used).
02 tt oo bb - Check for status. tt - Target, 00 for PCs, 01 for enemies. oo - Offset from 
              battle data 0x1D (start of status flags). bb - Bits to check.
03 tt mm xx - Checks if something moved. mm - Monster/PC index
04 xx mm ss - Checks status of monster mm - monster index, ss - Status - 00 Alive, 01 - Dead.
05 nn xx xx - Checks for maximum number of living enemies. nn - number of enemies.
06 ff ff ff - Check if battle frame counter is at least ff. 
              Value is little endian (lowest byte stored first).
07 vv cc xx - Check custom mode. vv - value, cc - Compare type - 00 >=, 01 <=
08 tt hh hh - Check if HP <= value. hh - HP to compare. 
              Value is little endian (lowest byte stored first).
09 tt ss vv - Check if stat is less than value. ss - stat offset. vv - value
0A tt ss bb - Check if stat has bitflags set. ss - stat offset, bb - bitflags set.
0B tt ss vv - Check if stat is less than or equal to value. ss - stat offset, vv - value.
0C tt ff xx - Check if target is inside or outside of a 32 pixel radius. ff - 00 Inside, 01 Outside
0D tt ff xx - Check if X distance against 32 pixels. ff - 00 >, 01 <=
0E tt ff rr - Distance - multiple options.  ff - 00 Inside, 01 Outside rr - routine
              00 - below this enemy
              01 - to the left of this enemy
              02 - in a 32 pixel radius (angle considered)
              03 - on bottom half of screen 
              04 - on top half of screen
              05 - on right 176 pixels of screen
              06 - on left 80 pixels of screen
              07 - unknown distance 0x0c (routines are part of larger list that cannot be called, 
                   hence the labeling here)
              08 - in a 48 pixel radius
0F tt ff ?? - Check if target is inside or outside of a 32 pixel radius, considering angle as a factor. Specifics unknown. ff - 00 Inside, 01 Outside.
10 xx SV NC - NCSV - Needlessly complicated simple value. NC is the 2 bit, and SV is the 1 bit. (0-3)
              If position of the current enemy is in a certain range.
              0 - 128px or more from the top of the screen.
              1 - less than 128px from the top of the screen.
              2 - less than 80px from the left of the screen.
              3 - 176px or more from the left of the screen.
11 ee xx mm - Check if hit by tech type. ee - 00 player tech, 01 enemy tech. mm - 00 ==, 01 !=
12 ee aa mm - Check if hit by specific tech.  ee - 00 player tech, 01 enemy tech. aa - tech index. 
              mm - 00 ==, 01 !=
13 aa xx mm - Check Attacker. aa - 00 player, 01 enemy. mm - 0 ==, 01 !=
14 vv mm ee - Check specific attacker. mm - mode 00 Check attacker against value vv, 01 buggy. 
              ee - 00 ==, 01 !=. 
              Only checks against player techs and attacks, or enemy techs without enemy vs 
              enemy attack set. There is a minor bug in mode 00 when ee is 01. Set 0x019551 
              to 89 to fix in the Japanese and US releases.
15 ee xx ff - Checks element of attack, ff - 00 ==, 01 !=, ee - element 20 Ice, 10 Fire, 
              80 Lightning, 40 Shadow, 02 Magic, 04 Physical
16 xx xx xx - Copy of 00.
17 pp xx xx - Percent chance. pp - percent
18 vv tt ss - Check if stat is equal. vv - value, ss - stat offset.
19 xx xx xx - Copy of 00.
1A mm aa ss - Check if monster type is alone or not. mm - monster index, aa - 0 - alone, 
              1 - with other types. 
              ss - If with other types, should the condition succeed? 0 - fail, 1 - succeed.
1B pp xx xx - Count of living PCs is at most pp.
1C tt pp ll - Is PC present or absent. tt can load any targeting routine, but only routines 30-36 
              will produce expected results. 
              pp - Presence status. 00 - Present, 01 - Absent. ll - Life status. 01 - may be dead.
1D tt xx aa - Check if target is alive or not.
1E xx xx xx - Copy of 00 that sets $7E:AF24 (failure status) to 1 (failed).
1F tt ff xx - Check if target is inside or outside of a 48 pixel radius. ff - 00 Inside, 01 Outside
20 xx xx xx - Final Attack.
21 xx xx xx - If current enemy is dead or unknown $7E:AF15 & 40 is set. Possible revival reaction.
22 tt aa cc - aa - Maximum ATB value, determined by a combination of speed and battle speed settings. 
              cc - compare type 0 - Less than, 1 - Greater than or equal to.
23 vv tt ss - (same as 18)
24 vv tt ss - (same as 18)
25 vv tt ss - (same as 18)
26 vv tt ss - (same as 18)
27 vv tt ss - (same as 18)
28 vv tt ss - (same as 18)


There is a total of 23 Actions ($00-16)

00 ?? jj ??  wander mode.  jj - multipurpose byte, 80 copy flag: 7EAED8 to 7EAECC, 7F subroutine index
01 aa jj ??  attack mode.  aa - attack index jj - multipurpose byte, 80 copy flag: 7EAED8 to 7EAECC, 7F subroutine index
02 tt jj jj jj ss  tech mode.  tt - tech index jj - multipurpose byte, 80 copy flag: 7EAED8 to 7EAECC, 7F subroutine index ss - battle enemy message string
03 (nothing, no routines)
04  random action.  uses a random number to determine which action in current section to start on.
05 ?? ??  unknown, possibly unused, and not confirmed if it is a 3 byte command.
06 (nothing, no routines)
07 mm aa hh  become monster.  mm - monster to turn into aa - animation? hh - hp
08 (nothing, no routines)
09 ??  display flashes for distant attack?
0A aa ss  run away.  aa - action to show ss - battle enemy message string
0B oo vv mm ss  set stat.  oo - offset from enemy stat set start vv - value to set/bitwise OR mm - mode, 00 set value 01 bitwise OR ss - battle enemy message string
0C oo vv ss  stat math.  oo - offset from enemy stat set start vv - multipurpose byte, 80 subtract flag, 7F amount to add/sub ss - battle enemy message string
0D ?? ss  unknown, state change?  ss - battle enemy message string
0E (nothing, no routines)
0F ss  display text.  ss - battle enemy message string
10 vv ee ss  revive support enemies.  vv - unk. stored to temp 7E000E ee - battle sound effect ss - battle enemy message string
11 oo vv oo vv oo vv oo vv ss  multi stat set.  oo - offset from enemy stat set start vv - value to set ss - battle enemy message string
12 ?? ?? jj jj oo vv oo vv oo vv oo vv oo vv ss  special multi stat set.  jj - multipurpose byte, 80 copy flag: 7EAED8 to 7EAECC, 7F subroutine index  oo - offset from enemy stat set start vv - value to set ss - battle enemy message string
13 jj vv  unknown, possibly unused, and not confirmed if it is a 3 byte command.  jj - multipurpose byte, 80 copy flag: 7EAED8 to 7EAECC, 7F subroutine index vv - unknown value stored to temp 7E000E
14 oo vv oo vv oo vv oo vv ss  multi stat math.  oo - offset from enemy stat set start vv - multipurpose byte, 80 subtract flag, 7F amount to add/sub ss - battle enemy message string
15 ?? ?? jj jj oo vv oo vv oo vv oo vv oo vv ss  special multi stat math.  jj - multipurpose byte, 80 copy flag: 7EAED8 to 7EAECC, 7F subroutine index oo - offset from enemy stat set start vv - multipurpose byte, 80 subtract flag, 7F amount to add/sub ss - battle enemy message string
16 -- tt oo vv oo vv oo vv oo vv ss  multi revive and set stat.  tt - tech/tech animation related index oo - offset from enemy stat set start vv - value to set ss - battle enemy message string

inuksuk: Action 12 calls an enemy tech with the two bytes "?? ??". The first byte lists the enemy tech and the second ?? is the target. You can see examples in the Masa & Mune and Nizbel scripts.

Older data not 100% confirmed:

00 WW XX YY            - wander mode YY is how you wander, WW animation related?
02 WW 05 XX YY ZZ      - Spell WW, Message ZZ, XX YY for double/triple?

Enemy AI Targeting subroutines

Used by Conditions: 01, 03, 08, 09, 0A, 0B, 0C, 0D, 0E, 0F, 18, 1C*, 1D, 1F, 22, 23-28 Used by Actions: 00, 01, 02, 12, 13, 15

  • Condition 1C does not treat the data obtained the from the routines the same way as the others, so it will have unexpected results.

jj - Multiply x2 + 0x01B8BB to obtain the pointer

00 - Nothing
01 - All PCs
02 - All enemies
03 - Current enemy
04 - Attacking PC
05 - Random PC
06 - Nearest PC
07 - Farthest PC
08 - PC with lowest HP. This routine does not properly check PC1's HP. To fix, replace 0x01A50C (unheadered US or Japanese ROM) with D0 05 EA EA.
09 - PCs with any flags on battle data 0x1D set. 80 is used for a dead PC, others are unknown.
0A - PCs with any negative status.
0B - PCs with any flags on battle data 0x1F (unknown)
0C - PCs with any positive status from set 1 (2x Evade/Unknown Status/2.5x Evade/Haste)
0D - PCs with any positive status from set 2 (Attack Power Up/Shield (Defense Up)/Max Attack Power Up/MP Regen/Barrier (M. Defense Up)/Berserk)
0E - Sleeping PCs
0F - Stopped PCs
10 - Confused PCs
11 - Shielded (Defense Up) PCs
12 - Barriered (M. Defense Up) PCs
13 - PCs with bit 10 of positive status set 2 (unused)
14 - PCs with bit 8 of battle data 01 (unknown)
15 - Other enemies
16 - Living enemies
17 - Nearest enemy
18 - Farthest enemy
19 - Enemy with lowest HP
1A - Other enemies with any battle data 0x1D flags set
1B - All enemies with any battle data 0x1D flags set
1C - Other enemies with any negative status
1D - All enemies with any negative status
1E - Other enemies with any flags on battle data 0x1F (unknown)
1F - All enemies with any flags on battle data 0x1F (unknown)
20 - Other Sleeping enemies
21 - Other Stopped enemies
22 - Other Confused enemies
23 - Other Barriered (M. Defense Up) enemies
24 - Other enemies with 0x1D bitflag 2 set
25 - Other enemies with 0x19 bitflag 1 set
26 - Enemy with lowest HP other than self
27 - Enemy 03. This and the following routines are mostly used with multi-part bosses. Enemy index is determined by event commands.
28 - Enemy 04
29 - Enemy 05
2A - Enemy 06
2B - Enemy 07
2C - Enemy 08
2D - Enemy 09
2E - Enemy 0A
2F - Random enemy with $7E:AF15 bit 80 set
30 - PC 1. This and the following routines were most likely designed for condition 1C, check for specific PC. If used in that condition, it would check for Crono.
31 - PC 2
32 - PC 3
33 - Enemy 3
34 - Enemy 4
35 - Enemy 5
36 - Enemy 6
37 - PC with highest HP
38 - Random enemy other than self

Supplemental Material

From: Modification