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by ZeaLitY<br>
[[Image:Epoch Flying.png|right]]
March 20, 2004
by ''ZeaLitY''
(March 20, 2004)
After completing my condensed summary of Chrono Cross and observing positive feedback, I've decided to summarize the events of Chrono Trigger for those who wish to brush up or have played Chrono Cross and wish to learn the history of its prequel. Enjoy reading of the magnificent events that began the Chrono series and sealed Chrono Trigger's status as a classic in the annals of video game history.
===Crono Meets Marle===
In 1000 A.D., a teenager named Crono from Truce attends a fair made to celebrate 1000 years since the Kingdom of Guardia's founding. While at the fair, he meets Princess Nadia, or Marle, who is the immediate heir to Guardia. Crono and Marle participate in a demonstration of Crono's friend Lucca's teleportation device; a reaction between it and Marle's pendant, handed down for generations, causes a time Gate to open and transport Marle to 600 A.D., the middle ages. Crono immediately follows using the pendant, and discovers that Marle has been mistaken for the Queen of Guardia of that era (Queen Leene had been missing prior to Marle's entrance, and the search party mistook Marle for her). While visiting Marle, Crono watches her vanish; Lucca, after entering the area via a Gate Key (device that can open Gates), explains that Marle's ancestor's never being found causes this (On a side note, Lucca is almost surely wrong here, as her explanation contradicts all other instances of temporal transforms in the Chrono series. Marle's detainment was most likely an action done by the Entity to start Crono on his quest). Crono, Lucca, and a knight who is in the form of a frog together rescue Queen Leene; subsequently, Marle reappears in Guardia castle. Crono, Marle, and Lucca depart for 1000 A.D.
This plot summary is not the one I originally wrote, but my later revision from the Chrono Trigger Wikipedia article. I was a much better writer by then, so I've ported it here. Enjoy reading the magnificent events that began the Chrono series and sealed Chrono Trigger's status as a classic in the annals of video game history. For old time's sake, the original is at [[Original CT Summary]].
===Lavos is Discovered===
==Chrono Trigger Plot Summary==
Lucca immediately heads home, while Crono is instructed to take Marle home to Guardia Castle. Once arrived, Crono is charged with kidnapping the princess and placed on trial. He is found either guilty or not guilty, and sentenced to three days solitary confinement with possibility of execution. With the aid of Lucca, Crono breaks out of jail and battles the Chancellor of Guardia; after winning the fight, Marle joins the party and the trio escape into Guardia Forest. Cornered, they duck into a Gate in a meadow nearby. It speedily warps them to 2300 A.D., in which a battered, ruined world exists. Curious of that era, the trio trek to various futuristic domes and flattened cities (called Labs) and eventually ascertain from a video recording that a giant being, called Lavos, that hibernates beneath the planet (more on this in the forthcoming Lavos article) surfaced in 1999 A.D. and destroyed the entire world. Unwilling to let this pass, Crono's party swear to battle Lavos. While journeying in 2300 A.D., they meet a damaged humanoid robot. Lucca repairs the mechanical man, named Robo, and attempts to return home through a Gate in the Proto Dome, in which Robo was located. A door blocks the way, causing Crono, Robo, and either Lucca or Marle to venture to a nearby factory to restore power to the deactivated doorway. The party then goes through the Gate.
===From the Beginning to the End of Time===
===The End of Time===
Chrono Trigger's story begins with the Millennial Fair of 1000 A.D., a celebration of the millennium since the founding of the Kingdom of Guardia. The protagonist, Crono, is awakened by his mother and proceeds to Leene Square, where the fair is being held. After accidentally bumping into a girl named "Marle", they quickly become friends and visit the main attraction of the fair, a teleportation device constructed by Crono's inventor friend, Lucca. An eager volunteer, Marle disappears when the demonstration goes awry and reacts with her pendant, teleporting her through a mysterious portal. Determined to find his new friend, Crono retrieves the discarded pendant and Lucca activates the machine once more, sending Crono through the same portal. He reappears in a forest grove, and upon finding a nearby town learns that he has traveled four hundred years into the past. At Guardia Castle, he soon discovers Marle dressed in royal garb, and she reveals that the queen of Guardia in this era, Leene, has gone missing. A search party found Marle, mistook her for the real queen, and brought her to the castle. A moment later, Marle vanishes once again and Lucca arrives, having created a device called the "Gate Key" that allows her to open nearby time portals. Lucca determines that Marle is actually the princess of Guardia in 1000 A.D., and that the death of her missing ancestor could cause Marle to never exist. With the help of a talking, humanoid frog called "Frog", Crono and Lucca discover that Queen Leene was kidnapped by the "Mystics" - intelligent animals and demonic creatures who worship the wizard Magus. They then rescue her, save Marle, and return to their own time.
Due to the Conservation of Time Theorem (see the article [url=http://www.chronocompendium.com/viewstory.php?t=206]On The Axioms, Corollaries Governing Temporal Transforms[/url]), Crono, Marle, Lucca and Robo end up at the End of Time, which is presided over by an old man. The man gives a bit of hope to the party, who are eager to defeat Lavos; before leaving, Crono and friends visit Spekkio, the so-called 'God of War' who also lives with the old man at the end of time. Spekkio imbues each member with magic ability, and afterward provides magic to new members (for the technics of this process, see the forthcoming article on Magic). All Gates connect to the End of Time, the old man states. The party then leaves through a Gate that takes them to 1000 A.D., but to a continent other than the one in which the Kingdom of Guardia is located. The party enters Medina, the town of the Mystics, a race of warlocks and monsters that warred with the humans in 600 A.D. under the leadership of the mage known as Magus. The party must battle a Heckran monster to return to Guardia, and during his final speech the party learns that Magus supposedly created Lavos in 600 A.D. Crono's party then travels to 600 A.D., and finds the Kingdom of Guardia under serious attack. After warding off the Mystics on Zenan Bridge, they learn that a special sword, the Masamune, is capable of defeating Magus. They ascend the Denadoro Mountains to retrieve the swords, and do battle with spirits residual in the blade. After winning, Crono receives a broken piece.
There, Crono is placed on trial for allegedly kidnapping Marle. Through the manipulations of the King's chancellor, Crono is sentenced to death, but later breaks free from his prison. While making his escape, he locates Lucca and Marle, and the three flee into a nearby forest, where they are cornered by royal soldiers. There, the king asks Marle to return to his side, but she refuses due to his ill consideration of her friends and personal wishes. The three adventurers then stumble into a time gate activated by Lucca's Gate Key, and escape to a future era. There, they are shocked to find a devastated world filled with the ruins of advanced technology. While investigating the interior of a large dome structure, they discover a video recording that shows the destruction of the worlds surface, caused by a creature called "Lavos" who had been dwelling deep inside the planet until the year 1999 A.D. Determined to stop Lavos before it can devastate the world, the group enlists the aid of "Robo", a robot from their ruined future. They find another time gate and arrive at the End of Time, where an enigmatic old man offers advice to the player for the games quest. Additionally, various time gates located here allow access to all eras significant to the storyline.
===Reconstructing the Masamune===
===Forward to the Past===
The party then visits the abode of Frog, the knight who helped them save Queen Leene. They receive from him the other piece of the Masamune. In order to repair the blade, the party seeks Melchior, a smith that lives in 1000 A.D. He instructs the party to find Dreamstone, the material used to forge the sword. The party travels to 65,000,000 B.C. and learns that the chief of a village of humans (Ioka Village) engaged in war with a race of sentient beings half-dinosaur, half-human has the mineral in question. Ayla meets the party instantly by fending off Reptites, and invites Crono to a party. By successfully drinking more soup than Ayla, Crono receives the Dreamstone. However, the Reptites undertake a midnight raid on the villagers, stealing the Gate Key. Kino, Ayla's mate, stole the Gate Key out of jealousy for Crono's party, but later surrendered it to the Reptite raiders. Crono's party seeks out the item in question by infiltrating a Reptite hideout within a forest; on this journey, they encounter the Reptite leader, Azala, and coax her forcefully into giving up the Gate Key. Afterwards, the party returns to 1000 A.D. and has Melchior repair the sword. After having it taken to him in 600 A.D., Frog joins the party to avenge the death of his best friend, Cyrus, who fell to Magus in 590 A.D. (It is revealed in a flashback that the squire Glenn was turned into Frog in that event as well). Together, they sojourn to Magus's Lair, and defeat his top knights -- Ozzie, Slash, and Flea. After battling with Magus himself, the party and Magus are devoured by an unfathomably huge timewarp caused by the summoning of Lavos he had begun prior to fighting the party. Also, it is here revealed that Magus merely summoned Lavos, and that the notion that he created the beast is false.
Crono and his friends return to 1000 A.D., and soon discover that Magus apparently created Lavos during the Middle Ages. They return to 600 A.D. and learn that they must obtain a sword called the "Masamune" in order to defeat Magus, but that only the legendary "Hero" can wield it. After helping Guardia's knights defend against an assault from Magus' army, they climb the Denadoro mountains and discover from its guardians, Masa and Mune, that the Masamune is broken. It is soon revealed that the legendary Hero is actually Frog, who keeps the hilt of the Masamune, and that the sword was made by Melchior, a swordsmith living in Crono's time. Returning to 1000 A.D., Melchior informs Crono and his companions that he requires Dreamstone, a rock only found in ancient times, to repair the Masamune. The player must then guide the adventurers to 65,000,000 B.C. via a time gate at the End of Time in order to locate Dreamstone. From there, the party meets the cavewoman Ayla, who gives Crono the rock they require, after he wins a drinking contest with her. However, Lucca's Gate Key is stolen the next day by Reptites - advanced humanoid dinosaurs who are at war with humans, whom they refer to as "apes". Ayla helps Crono retrieve the Gate Key, and he and his friends return to Melchior's hut. With the aid of Lucca and Robo, Melchior repairs the blade, and Frog agrees to accompany Crono to Magus' castle and wield the Masamune against him.
===The Magical Kingdom===
There, they fight Magus' generals - Ozzie, Flea and Slash, and an army of Mystics before facing Magus himself, who was in the process of casting a spell involving Lavos. Upon his defeat, he reveals that he did not create Lavos, but merely intended to summon it, and that the creature lies within the planet, siphoning its energy. The interruption of Magus' summon spell causes a massive time gate to open, swallowing Magus' castle and everyone within. Crono and his friends awaken in 65,000,000 B.C. once again, and after helping Ayla defeat the Reptites for a final time at their central fortress, it is revealed to the player that Lavos is an extraterrestrial life form that arrived on the world during this era. Discovering a new time gate at Lavos' impact crater, they visit the ancient, enlightened Kingdom of Zeal in 12,000 B.C. where they learn more about the creature. This floating kingdom had recently discovered Lavos, and seeking to drain its power, constructed a conduit for the energy known as the "Mammon Machine", and a facility to house it called the "Ocean Palace". A mysterious prophet in Zeal warns the kingdoms queen about the adventurers, and they are forced to return to 65,000,000 B.C., with the time gate they previously used. The gate is then sealed, and the adventurers are unable to return to Zeal via the time gate. They then go to the End of Time for advice and learn of the Wings of Time, a time machine constructed by Belthasar, a Guru of Zeal sent to the far future. Locating the machine in 2300 A.D., they rename it "Epoch" and return to 12,000 B.C. where they learn that the Ocean Palace is soon to be activated. Rushing to the facility, they witness Lavos awakening, who had been disturbed by the Mammon Machine. At this time, the prophet reveals himself to be Magus and attempts to destroy Lavos. He is ultimately defeated in the attempt due to his powers being drained.
The party is thrown to 65,000,000 B.C., while Magus is catapulted to 12,000 B.C., the dark ages. After a Reptite attack demolishes the village of Laruba and concludes with the capture of Kino and other villagers, Ayla and Crono's party opt for a direct assault on the stronghold of the Reptites. After a lengthy battle to Azala's quarters, a fight ensues in which Azala is defeated and his Tyrano defender squelched. Lavos descends at this point (note: Azala did not summon him), pushing Azala's fortress far underground. Crono's party decides to fight Lavos immediately, as he would be weak, having just landed. The party finds a Gate at the impact point, and enters it to reach 12,000 B.C., a time beleaguered by an ice age brought about by Lavos's impact upon the planet. While there, the party finds a teleporation center that leads them to the ancient kingdom of Zeal, composed of several islands floating in the sky, and housing tomes on magic and various elemental sources of power. The party travels through Enhasa, city of sleep (in which a child-prince informs the party that one among them will soon perish), Kajar, city of magic, and lastly reaches Zeal Palace. Here they observe the Mammon Machine, which is used to extract energy from Lavos. Plans for the moving of the machine to a palace under the ocean surface are announced, and the party later battles the evil queen of Zeal, who is aided by a prophet. Schala, sister of the child-prince Janus mentioned above, pleads with the prophet and successfully brings about the sparing of the party. Crono and team are banished from the era, and the Gate by which they came is sealed.
===Journeys Across Time===
===The Ocean Palace===
Crono then challenges the creature, attempting to save the lives of his companions, but Crono is killed, his body vaporized by the monster. Lavos then destroys the entire kingdom, transports its prince, Janus, to the Middle Ages, and sends the three Gurus (Melchior, Belthasar and a man named "Gaspar") to various places throughout time. Before the remaining party members and Magus can be killed, Schala (Zeal's princess), saves them by transporting each remaining person out of the palace to the only remaining human settlement, while she remains behind. However, Crono's friends have little time to grieve before Dalton, a former leader of security in the kingdom, arrives at the village and declares himself ruler of the world. Having saved the Blackbird (an ornate airplane) from destruction, he interns the party aboard and takes to the sky. Additionally, Dalton impounds the Epoch, and has his henchmen give it flight capabilities. The party soon escapes, and defeats Dalton in a battle atop the redesigned Epoch, which the adventurers then use to accidentally blast the Blackbird while they escape. Distraught over Crono's death, they meet with Magus, who reveals that he is Janus Zeal, and grew up in the Middle Ages waiting for a chance to get revenge on Lavos. He offers the party members the opportunity to settle their feud in a final battle, and informs them that Gaspar could possibly help bring Crono back. Should the player refuse to fight Magus, he then joins the party. Visiting the old man at the End of Time, the player learns that he is Gaspar, transported here during Lavos' destruction of Zeal. He gives them an egg-shaped device called the "Chrono Trigger", which he explains allows for a special form of time travel. Following his instructions, they soon use the device to visit the moment of Crono's death and freeze it in time, extracting him from the moment just before he would have been killed.
At the End of Time, the old man informs the party that a sage in 2300 A.D. was working on a machine that could travel through time. Crono forthwith enters that era, and receives the Epoch from the sage -- albeit his passing away and memory's containment in a being known as the Nu. The party returns to 12,000 B.C. via this machine, and explores a cave that houses members of the human race that cannot use magic (called Earthbound) -- as opposed to the magic-users of Zeal. They notify the party of a guru of Zeal's banishment to a floating mountain nearby, and the group departs to this landform to rescue the man. After defeating a guardian, they find the man Melchior (which later elaborates on a peculiarity of the game -- this will be explained at the North Cape). Melchior recognizes that the moving of the Mammon Machine to the undersea palace will result in ruin, and gives the party a Ruby Knife (later becoming the Masamune in the grand scheme of time) to destroy the Mammon Machine with. Schala enters briefly, but is abducted by the Queen's aide, Dalton. Crono and his team use a Skygate at Zeal Palace to infiltrate the Ocean Palace, and battle their way to the grand hall in which the machine is interred. Crono thrusts the knife into the Mammon Machine, but Schala reveals that this shall have no effect. Lavos, awoken by the machine's draining effects, appears (this and other phenomena are explained in the forthcoming Lavos article).
With the team reassembled, the group visits Gaspar once again, who relates various issues affecting the world across the eras. He suggests that participating in these optional sidequests will help the party prepare for Lavos. Traveling to 600 A.D., they defeat a creature named "Retinite" who caused a forest to become a desert. To help cultivate the forest and ensure its survival, the party leaves Robo behind, and he spends the next several hundred years working to maintain the land. Returning to pick him up in 1000 A.D., the group holds a campfire reunion in the forest and speculate that the gates through time were created by an entity other than Lavos, who wished for the adventurers to travel through time and fulfill a specific purpose. After the group falls asleep, a mysterious red time gate appears, which Lucca enters. Traveling to 990 A.D., Lucca has the opportunity to save her mother from the accident that cost her the use of her legs. The incident prompts Lucca's younger self to take up an interest in machinery so that she can prevent any future accidents. Additionally, the party confronts the few remaining members of Magus' army in 600 A.D. His former generals, now realizing that he was only using the Mystics, attack the group once again, but are defeated in the battle that follows. In 2300 A.D., the journey takes them to the facility where Robo was constructed. There, they discover that the programming of his AI creator, Mother Brain, has become corrupt, and that she is using the facility as an extermination plant for humans. With much regret, Robo destroys both his creator and reprogrammed friend, Atropos, shutting down the facility's system. Later, in 1000 A.D., the party learns that the ghost of Frog's friend, Cyrus, is haunting ancient ruins near a town. Traveling there, Frog visits the grave he had constructed for his friend, and helps his spirit find peace, even if he did not kill Magus.
===The New World===
===DS: The Lost Sanctum===
The prophet immediately reveals himself to be Magus, and tries to defeat Lavos. He cannot; Queen Zeal stands atop Lavos and the creature begins sucking Magus and Schala towards his maw. Crono bravely sacrifices himself; before the Ocean Palace collapses, Schala transports the remaining party members and Magus out to the main continent (note that what transpires in the Palace after this moment is directly responsible for the whole of Chrono Cross's plot). Lavos annihilates Zeal afterward, causing a tidal wave to engulf most of the land. Magus and Crono's party awaken to find that the Earthbound (those who cannot use magic) have left their cave and are mingling with survivors from Zeal in a place called Last Village. While conversing with the Elder, the party suffers an attack from Dalton, Queen Zeal's former aide. The party is detained upon a flying ship known as the Blackbird, built by the guru Belthasar. Dalton has stolen the Epoch as well, and orders the construction of wings and a flying system complete with weapons. The party manages to escape from prison and battle Dalton; they regain control of the Epoch afterward, and errantly shoot down the Blackbird. After returning to the ground, the party finds Magus gazing across the sea from the North Cape of the remaining land. Magus reveals that he was Janus, and that he lived only to seek revenge on Lavos. Also revealed is that Melchior, Gaspar (the old man at the End of Time), and Belthasar (builder of the Epoch), the three gurus of Zeal, were originally scattered across time by the Ocean Palace incident that occurred before Crono intervened in time (a villager later remarks that this timeline's Melchior and Janus disappeared involuntarily, confirming that they are preserved in history). Magus joins the party, and offers hope for reviving Crono. While leaving the era, they witness the rise of the Ocean Palace into the air, which is now called the Black Omen and is ruled by Queen Zeal.
In Chrono Trigger DS, at this point, the party visits the [[Lost Sanctum]] - a swath of land containing a Reptite settlement form prehistory that became detached from normal time and exists in its own dimension. The party clear out monsters in search of inhabitants, and the Reptites are grateful. They offer more tasks for the party, who travel back and forth from a prehistoric Lost Sanctum, to a sanctum dating from the Middle Ages to accomplish their requests. They ward off prehistoric attacks and monsters, help a sickly child get better, find friends for a lonely Nu, and help complete a bridge in the Middle Ages sanctum to a haunted tower. They defeat the spirits in the tower and discover that the Reptites' "Heavenly Idols" are in fact statues of the party built by the prehistoric sanctum dwellers. Amused at their legacy, they depart and continue training for Lavos.
===The Salvation of Crono===
===Preparations and Showdowns===
The party return to the End of Time, where the old man (Gaspar) declares that Crono can be revived by the use of a device called the Chrono Trigger, or Time Egg. In order to do this, however, the party must have a clone of Crono to replace him with. The party travel to 1000 A.D., and at the Millennial Fair, acquire a clone of Crono. They then sojourn to 2300 A.D. as instructed by Gaspar, consulting the memory of Belthasar for instructions on reviving Crono. The party is told to climb Death Peak, a geological formation caused by the eruption of Lavos in 1999 A.D. and the breeding ground of Lavos. At the peak of the mountain, the Chrono Trigger shatters and transports the party to the instant before Crono's death in the Ocean Palace. His body is swapped with the clone's, and Crono is extracted to Death Peak. Upon returning to the End of Time, the party are given knowledge by Gaspar of several sidequests that will empower it against Lavos. Firstly, the party ventures to 600 A.D. to restore a forest ruined by one of Magus's creations or associated Mystic monsters known as Retinite. The party enter the desert that is encroaching upon Fiona's Forest, and defeat the beast. Robo decides to stay and till the land for 400 years. After picking him up in 1000 A.D., the party camp in the forest, and have a discussion involving the quest. It is here that Robo proposes the existence of an Entity that shaped the quest of Chrono Trigger in order to destroy Lavos (said Entity is most likely the planet; see the forthcoming Entity article). After the discussion, Lucca finds a special Gate that allows her one chance to save her mother from losing her legs in 990 A.D.
On another journey, the party embarks to find the Sun Stone, a mythical artifact once used as a power source in Zeal. They locate it in a lost stronghold of the kingdom, uprooted from the sea floor in 2300 A.D., but learn that its power has burned out. Taking it to 65,000,000 B.C., they leave it to recharge over the course of millions of years, but later find that it was looted in 1000 A.D. In order to coax it from its captor, the greedy Porre mayor, they travel to 600 A.D. and teach charity to his ancestor by giving food to him and his wife. With the Sun Stone secured, they soon discover another legendary artifact in 600 A.D. called the Rainbow Shell. Located in the underground remains of the Reptite fortress, preserved since its destruction in 65,000,000 B.C., the shell is too large for the group to remove, so they procure the aid of the Middle Age's King Guardia XXI, who stores the large shell in Guardia Castle. However, when the party returns to 1000 A.D., they find that Marle's father (King Guardia XXXIII) is being put on trial by his own chancellor for allegedly attempting to sell the shell, now a royal heirloom. Crono and his companions soon publicly reveal the chancellor to be a Mystic imposter, defeat him, and help Marle and her father put their differences aside.
===Several Sidequests===
Finally, the adventurers infiltrate the arisen Ocean Palace, now called the "Black Omen", where Queen Zeal still resides having survived Lavos' destruction of her kingdom, only to become a puppet to the creatures power. The party defeats the corrupted queen and destroys the Mammon Machine at the heart of the palace, causing the entire facility to be disintegrated. A final confrontation with Lavos itself follows, in which the party first penetrates the creatures shell, and then discovers that Lavos has been harvesting DNA on the planet in self-directed evolution while absorbing the energy produced. Presented with the results of Lavos' controlled genetics, they confront its true form and finally destroy the creature.
Following this quest, the party and Magus decimate Ozzie, Slash, and Flea's hideout in 600 A.D., eradicating hatred towards humans by the Mystics in 1000 A.D. Next, the party discovers that a crazed AI is exterminating humans on an island in 2300 A.D. Robo is revealed to have originated in the island's facility, and told his purpose was to watch humans. A female robot called Atropos attempts to destroy him due to her brainwashing by the crazed AI (known as Mother Brain). Robo succeeds in fending her off, and eventually defeats Mother Brain -- receiving his greatest weapons in the process. Following this event, the party search for the Sun Stone, a stone charged with solar energy that once powered Zeal. They defeat a monster called the Son of Sun in the Sun Temple of Zeal in 2300 A.D. (it rose off the oceanfloor apparently) and locate the Sun Stone. Recognizing that its power has left it, the party deposits it in 65,000,000 B.C. to charge. Finding it stolen by the Porre mayor in 1000 A.D., they instill kindness in the Porre leadership's family by giving free jerky to the Elder's wife in 600 A.D. After the Sun Stone is returned to them by a benevolent mayor in 1000 A.D., it is fully charged by 2300 A.D. and used to make useful items by Lucca.
The actual ending of the game depends on when the player defeated Lavos, as well as some other choices that can produce minor variations. The first time through the game, team members say their goodbyes during the last night of the Millennial Fair and return to their own eras in time. Additionally, if Magus joined the party earlier, it is revealed that he now plans to search for his missing sister, Schala. After your party members return to their eras, Crono's mom accidentally enters the time gate at the fair before it closes, prompting Crono, Marle and Lucca to set out in the Epoch on another adventure to find her while fireworks light up the night sky.
===The Royal Family===
===DS: Aftermath===
Once this quest is complete, the party, with Frog, venture to 1000 A.D. to find that Cyrus, the fallen knight and friend of Frog, is restless and haunting his gravesite. Through hiring carpenters, the party repairs the gravesite, locate powerful weapons and armor, and make peace with Cyrus -- resulting in a boost in the power of the Masamune. Following this, the party decide to look for the Rainbow Shell, a priceless mineral formation sought by the legendary explorer Toma. Toma instructs the party to seek it in an island called the Giant's Claw in 600 A.D. While exploring, the party realizes that the Giant's Claw houses the Tyrano Lair -- Azala's headquarters, buried by Lavos when he impacted upon the planet. They battle his Tyrano one last time and locate the shell, employing Guardian knights for extraction. Lastly, a return to 1000 A.D. finds the King Guardia of that era under trial for selling the Rainbow Shell. The party locate the shell deep within its treasury, and eventually prove that the evidence presented by the Chancellor's prosecution is false. The Chancellor reveals himself to be Yakra XIII, whose ancestor abducted Queen Leene in 600 A.D. The party defeats Yakra XIII, resulting in the ending of Marle's dispute with her father and the construction of unbelievably powerful weapons, done by Melchior using the Sun Stone and Rainbow Shell together.
Chrono Trigger DS contains a new interactive ending showing further aftermath of the travels. The party's observation of these events are non-canonical, but the events themselves are. On a New Game +, the party discovers three dimensional vortices that have formed in 12,000 B.C., 1000 A.D., and 2300 A.D. The vortices are damaged places of space-time containing fragments of several eras. Inside, they discover that Dalton fell into the dimensional vortex after his fight atop the Epoch, and is planning to return to the present age to raise an army in Porre and destroy the Kingdom of Guardia as revenge. After the vortices are completed, the party ventures to the [[Darkness Beyond Time]] (DBT), where they find Magus after having defeated Lavos. Magus takes them to the [[Lavos|Dream Devourer]], a fusion of the defeated Lavos and Schala, who fell into the DBT at the Ocean Palace Incident. The party futilely fight the Dream Devourer, which repels them. Schala then awakens and tells Magus he cannot save her, and that he should live out his life before she completes the fusion and destroys all space-time. Magus, totally dejected, erases his identity and awakens in a forest in an unknown time period, feeling he must search for something.
===The Final Battle===
Nearing the end of their quest, the party enter the Black Omen and battle in its corridors to reach Queen Zeal. She contends in a fickle manner at first, and later tosses the party into the Mammon Machine (how this is possible even after the Mammon Machine's apparent destruction is explained in the forthcoming Lavos article). After destroying it, the party encounters Queen Zeal atop the Black Omen. Defeating her leads to a confrontation with Lavos; the party bravely fights the parasite, eventually destroying its outward functioning organs. Crono and his team enter the shell to find an alien creature within that has collected the DNA of all creatures on the planet. Concluding that Lavos has cultured the growth and evolution of the human race for his own biological gain (elaborated in Cross -- see [[3000000 B.C.]]), the party battle once more. Following this, Lavos morphs into his true form, derived from the best possible combination of the gathered DNA. He at last succumbs. The party return to 1000 A.D., where King Guardia jests that Crono still must face execution. It is then revealed that he has been informed of the valiant quest of Crono, and the party are celebrated in the last day of the Millennial Fair. Lucca remarks that the Entity is now at rest, and each guest and party remember returns to their own era. Before the Gates close due to their purpose's removal (that of existing to allow the travelers to defeat Lavos), Crono's mother and cats enter the Telepod Gate. Crono, Marle, and Lucca use the Epoch to locate her.
For specific events that occurred during Crono's quest, check the [[Chronology]].
For specific events that occurred during Serge's quest, check my the [[Chronology]].
Lastly, these charts, explained further in the article [[On The Axioms And Corollaries of Temporal Transforms, better depict the progression of timelines and dimensions:
To find out what happened to the team after the adventure, read [[Fates of the Chrono Trigger Team]].
Lastly, these charts, explained further in the article [[Principles of Time and Dimensional Travel]], better depict the progression of timelines and dimensions:
[[Media:Dimensions.png|Dimensional Chart]]
[[Media:Dimensions.png|Dimensional Chart]]
Line 62: Line 61:
[[Media:Timelines.png|Timeline Chart]]
[[Media:Timelines.png|Timeline Chart]]
Thanks be to the Compendium and its readers.
Thanks be to the Compendium and its readers!
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''From'': [[Articles]]

Latest revision as of 21:55, 14 February 2014

Epoch Flying.png

by ZeaLitY

(March 20, 2004)


This plot summary is not the one I originally wrote, but my later revision from the Chrono Trigger Wikipedia article. I was a much better writer by then, so I've ported it here. Enjoy reading the magnificent events that began the Chrono series and sealed Chrono Trigger's status as a classic in the annals of video game history. For old time's sake, the original is at Original CT Summary.

Chrono Trigger Plot Summary

From the Beginning to the End of Time

Chrono Trigger's story begins with the Millennial Fair of 1000 A.D., a celebration of the millennium since the founding of the Kingdom of Guardia. The protagonist, Crono, is awakened by his mother and proceeds to Leene Square, where the fair is being held. After accidentally bumping into a girl named "Marle", they quickly become friends and visit the main attraction of the fair, a teleportation device constructed by Crono's inventor friend, Lucca. An eager volunteer, Marle disappears when the demonstration goes awry and reacts with her pendant, teleporting her through a mysterious portal. Determined to find his new friend, Crono retrieves the discarded pendant and Lucca activates the machine once more, sending Crono through the same portal. He reappears in a forest grove, and upon finding a nearby town learns that he has traveled four hundred years into the past. At Guardia Castle, he soon discovers Marle dressed in royal garb, and she reveals that the queen of Guardia in this era, Leene, has gone missing. A search party found Marle, mistook her for the real queen, and brought her to the castle. A moment later, Marle vanishes once again and Lucca arrives, having created a device called the "Gate Key" that allows her to open nearby time portals. Lucca determines that Marle is actually the princess of Guardia in 1000 A.D., and that the death of her missing ancestor could cause Marle to never exist. With the help of a talking, humanoid frog called "Frog", Crono and Lucca discover that Queen Leene was kidnapped by the "Mystics" - intelligent animals and demonic creatures who worship the wizard Magus. They then rescue her, save Marle, and return to their own time.

There, Crono is placed on trial for allegedly kidnapping Marle. Through the manipulations of the King's chancellor, Crono is sentenced to death, but later breaks free from his prison. While making his escape, he locates Lucca and Marle, and the three flee into a nearby forest, where they are cornered by royal soldiers. There, the king asks Marle to return to his side, but she refuses due to his ill consideration of her friends and personal wishes. The three adventurers then stumble into a time gate activated by Lucca's Gate Key, and escape to a future era. There, they are shocked to find a devastated world filled with the ruins of advanced technology. While investigating the interior of a large dome structure, they discover a video recording that shows the destruction of the worlds surface, caused by a creature called "Lavos" who had been dwelling deep inside the planet until the year 1999 A.D. Determined to stop Lavos before it can devastate the world, the group enlists the aid of "Robo", a robot from their ruined future. They find another time gate and arrive at the End of Time, where an enigmatic old man offers advice to the player for the games quest. Additionally, various time gates located here allow access to all eras significant to the storyline.

Forward to the Past

Crono and his friends return to 1000 A.D., and soon discover that Magus apparently created Lavos during the Middle Ages. They return to 600 A.D. and learn that they must obtain a sword called the "Masamune" in order to defeat Magus, but that only the legendary "Hero" can wield it. After helping Guardia's knights defend against an assault from Magus' army, they climb the Denadoro mountains and discover from its guardians, Masa and Mune, that the Masamune is broken. It is soon revealed that the legendary Hero is actually Frog, who keeps the hilt of the Masamune, and that the sword was made by Melchior, a swordsmith living in Crono's time. Returning to 1000 A.D., Melchior informs Crono and his companions that he requires Dreamstone, a rock only found in ancient times, to repair the Masamune. The player must then guide the adventurers to 65,000,000 B.C. via a time gate at the End of Time in order to locate Dreamstone. From there, the party meets the cavewoman Ayla, who gives Crono the rock they require, after he wins a drinking contest with her. However, Lucca's Gate Key is stolen the next day by Reptites - advanced humanoid dinosaurs who are at war with humans, whom they refer to as "apes". Ayla helps Crono retrieve the Gate Key, and he and his friends return to Melchior's hut. With the aid of Lucca and Robo, Melchior repairs the blade, and Frog agrees to accompany Crono to Magus' castle and wield the Masamune against him.

There, they fight Magus' generals - Ozzie, Flea and Slash, and an army of Mystics before facing Magus himself, who was in the process of casting a spell involving Lavos. Upon his defeat, he reveals that he did not create Lavos, but merely intended to summon it, and that the creature lies within the planet, siphoning its energy. The interruption of Magus' summon spell causes a massive time gate to open, swallowing Magus' castle and everyone within. Crono and his friends awaken in 65,000,000 B.C. once again, and after helping Ayla defeat the Reptites for a final time at their central fortress, it is revealed to the player that Lavos is an extraterrestrial life form that arrived on the world during this era. Discovering a new time gate at Lavos' impact crater, they visit the ancient, enlightened Kingdom of Zeal in 12,000 B.C. where they learn more about the creature. This floating kingdom had recently discovered Lavos, and seeking to drain its power, constructed a conduit for the energy known as the "Mammon Machine", and a facility to house it called the "Ocean Palace". A mysterious prophet in Zeal warns the kingdoms queen about the adventurers, and they are forced to return to 65,000,000 B.C., with the time gate they previously used. The gate is then sealed, and the adventurers are unable to return to Zeal via the time gate. They then go to the End of Time for advice and learn of the Wings of Time, a time machine constructed by Belthasar, a Guru of Zeal sent to the far future. Locating the machine in 2300 A.D., they rename it "Epoch" and return to 12,000 B.C. where they learn that the Ocean Palace is soon to be activated. Rushing to the facility, they witness Lavos awakening, who had been disturbed by the Mammon Machine. At this time, the prophet reveals himself to be Magus and attempts to destroy Lavos. He is ultimately defeated in the attempt due to his powers being drained.

Journeys Across Time

Crono then challenges the creature, attempting to save the lives of his companions, but Crono is killed, his body vaporized by the monster. Lavos then destroys the entire kingdom, transports its prince, Janus, to the Middle Ages, and sends the three Gurus (Melchior, Belthasar and a man named "Gaspar") to various places throughout time. Before the remaining party members and Magus can be killed, Schala (Zeal's princess), saves them by transporting each remaining person out of the palace to the only remaining human settlement, while she remains behind. However, Crono's friends have little time to grieve before Dalton, a former leader of security in the kingdom, arrives at the village and declares himself ruler of the world. Having saved the Blackbird (an ornate airplane) from destruction, he interns the party aboard and takes to the sky. Additionally, Dalton impounds the Epoch, and has his henchmen give it flight capabilities. The party soon escapes, and defeats Dalton in a battle atop the redesigned Epoch, which the adventurers then use to accidentally blast the Blackbird while they escape. Distraught over Crono's death, they meet with Magus, who reveals that he is Janus Zeal, and grew up in the Middle Ages waiting for a chance to get revenge on Lavos. He offers the party members the opportunity to settle their feud in a final battle, and informs them that Gaspar could possibly help bring Crono back. Should the player refuse to fight Magus, he then joins the party. Visiting the old man at the End of Time, the player learns that he is Gaspar, transported here during Lavos' destruction of Zeal. He gives them an egg-shaped device called the "Chrono Trigger", which he explains allows for a special form of time travel. Following his instructions, they soon use the device to visit the moment of Crono's death and freeze it in time, extracting him from the moment just before he would have been killed.

With the team reassembled, the group visits Gaspar once again, who relates various issues affecting the world across the eras. He suggests that participating in these optional sidequests will help the party prepare for Lavos. Traveling to 600 A.D., they defeat a creature named "Retinite" who caused a forest to become a desert. To help cultivate the forest and ensure its survival, the party leaves Robo behind, and he spends the next several hundred years working to maintain the land. Returning to pick him up in 1000 A.D., the group holds a campfire reunion in the forest and speculate that the gates through time were created by an entity other than Lavos, who wished for the adventurers to travel through time and fulfill a specific purpose. After the group falls asleep, a mysterious red time gate appears, which Lucca enters. Traveling to 990 A.D., Lucca has the opportunity to save her mother from the accident that cost her the use of her legs. The incident prompts Lucca's younger self to take up an interest in machinery so that she can prevent any future accidents. Additionally, the party confronts the few remaining members of Magus' army in 600 A.D. His former generals, now realizing that he was only using the Mystics, attack the group once again, but are defeated in the battle that follows. In 2300 A.D., the journey takes them to the facility where Robo was constructed. There, they discover that the programming of his AI creator, Mother Brain, has become corrupt, and that she is using the facility as an extermination plant for humans. With much regret, Robo destroys both his creator and reprogrammed friend, Atropos, shutting down the facility's system. Later, in 1000 A.D., the party learns that the ghost of Frog's friend, Cyrus, is haunting ancient ruins near a town. Traveling there, Frog visits the grave he had constructed for his friend, and helps his spirit find peace, even if he did not kill Magus.

DS: The Lost Sanctum

In Chrono Trigger DS, at this point, the party visits the Lost Sanctum - a swath of land containing a Reptite settlement form prehistory that became detached from normal time and exists in its own dimension. The party clear out monsters in search of inhabitants, and the Reptites are grateful. They offer more tasks for the party, who travel back and forth from a prehistoric Lost Sanctum, to a sanctum dating from the Middle Ages to accomplish their requests. They ward off prehistoric attacks and monsters, help a sickly child get better, find friends for a lonely Nu, and help complete a bridge in the Middle Ages sanctum to a haunted tower. They defeat the spirits in the tower and discover that the Reptites' "Heavenly Idols" are in fact statues of the party built by the prehistoric sanctum dwellers. Amused at their legacy, they depart and continue training for Lavos.

Preparations and Showdowns

On another journey, the party embarks to find the Sun Stone, a mythical artifact once used as a power source in Zeal. They locate it in a lost stronghold of the kingdom, uprooted from the sea floor in 2300 A.D., but learn that its power has burned out. Taking it to 65,000,000 B.C., they leave it to recharge over the course of millions of years, but later find that it was looted in 1000 A.D. In order to coax it from its captor, the greedy Porre mayor, they travel to 600 A.D. and teach charity to his ancestor by giving food to him and his wife. With the Sun Stone secured, they soon discover another legendary artifact in 600 A.D. called the Rainbow Shell. Located in the underground remains of the Reptite fortress, preserved since its destruction in 65,000,000 B.C., the shell is too large for the group to remove, so they procure the aid of the Middle Age's King Guardia XXI, who stores the large shell in Guardia Castle. However, when the party returns to 1000 A.D., they find that Marle's father (King Guardia XXXIII) is being put on trial by his own chancellor for allegedly attempting to sell the shell, now a royal heirloom. Crono and his companions soon publicly reveal the chancellor to be a Mystic imposter, defeat him, and help Marle and her father put their differences aside.

Finally, the adventurers infiltrate the arisen Ocean Palace, now called the "Black Omen", where Queen Zeal still resides having survived Lavos' destruction of her kingdom, only to become a puppet to the creatures power. The party defeats the corrupted queen and destroys the Mammon Machine at the heart of the palace, causing the entire facility to be disintegrated. A final confrontation with Lavos itself follows, in which the party first penetrates the creatures shell, and then discovers that Lavos has been harvesting DNA on the planet in self-directed evolution while absorbing the energy produced. Presented with the results of Lavos' controlled genetics, they confront its true form and finally destroy the creature.

The actual ending of the game depends on when the player defeated Lavos, as well as some other choices that can produce minor variations. The first time through the game, team members say their goodbyes during the last night of the Millennial Fair and return to their own eras in time. Additionally, if Magus joined the party earlier, it is revealed that he now plans to search for his missing sister, Schala. After your party members return to their eras, Crono's mom accidentally enters the time gate at the fair before it closes, prompting Crono, Marle and Lucca to set out in the Epoch on another adventure to find her while fireworks light up the night sky.

DS: Aftermath

Chrono Trigger DS contains a new interactive ending showing further aftermath of the travels. The party's observation of these events are non-canonical, but the events themselves are. On a New Game +, the party discovers three dimensional vortices that have formed in 12,000 B.C., 1000 A.D., and 2300 A.D. The vortices are damaged places of space-time containing fragments of several eras. Inside, they discover that Dalton fell into the dimensional vortex after his fight atop the Epoch, and is planning to return to the present age to raise an army in Porre and destroy the Kingdom of Guardia as revenge. After the vortices are completed, the party ventures to the Darkness Beyond Time (DBT), where they find Magus after having defeated Lavos. Magus takes them to the Dream Devourer, a fusion of the defeated Lavos and Schala, who fell into the DBT at the Ocean Palace Incident. The party futilely fight the Dream Devourer, which repels them. Schala then awakens and tells Magus he cannot save her, and that he should live out his life before she completes the fusion and destroys all space-time. Magus, totally dejected, erases his identity and awakens in a forest in an unknown time period, feeling he must search for something.

For specific events that occurred during Crono's quest, check the Chronology.

To find out what happened to the team after the adventure, read Fates of the Chrono Trigger Team.

Lastly, these charts, explained further in the article Principles of Time and Dimensional Travel, better depict the progression of timelines and dimensions:

Dimensional Chart

Timeline Chart

Thanks be to the Compendium and its readers!

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